The Start

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A really short one guys, just needed this to be on its own...

OK. So, maybe I could tell you that after that amazing holiday in Antigua things had just gotten better and better. But then I'd be lying. Don't get me wrong, we were so happy, and we came back to the second half of the season better than ever. I mean, everyone knew we were a couple, but it actually didn't bother us, Kimi was even down to do a photo shoot thingy with a Finnish magazine but I didn't think it was exactly our thing. I think that was from a time he was with Jenni. We were polar opposites.

Anyway, the remaining 9 races had flown by and after packing up all my stuff that I'd accumulated as we'd crossed into each country, I was flying over to Switzerland to spend the winter with Kimi. And that was the start of, well, the end....

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