The Four Letter Word

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I wasted no time in taking him in my hand, his precum glistening over the tip of his head. I licked my lips ready to take him into my mouth when-"Bella" I paused my actions, looking up at him. "come here" I must have looked confused because he smiled at me, holding his hand out. I took it gently and crawled up to the head of the bed. "Bella, tonight is all about you" he whispered, pulling me onto him, kissing my mouth tenderly. My stomach fluttered.


The next thing I knew, I was flipped onto my back, staring up at him. He placed a kiss just under my jawline, trailing them down my neck, between my boobs and down to my stomach, dipping his tongue into my belly button, making me giggle.

Those giggles soon turned into gasps though as he moved lower, darting his tongue out, licking a thick strip up the inside of my thigh. I involuntarily gripped the bed sheet, arching my back as I felt his rough hands part my thighs and his expert tongue began to slide up and down my entrance.

"Kimi... Fuck!" I hissed as he circled my clit, drawing it into his mouth, igniting every nerve in my body. Moans and heavy breaths filled the room as I neared my climax.

I gripped his hair in my right hand, pushing his face into me a little more, my toes curling and my limbs tensing as I climaxed. "Kimi..." I sighed a deep breath, relaxing my body into the bed. The Fins head emerged from between my legs, a smug smile upon his gorgeous face. I giggled as he licked his lips, covering my face with my hands in shyness.

"do not cover your face, you are beautiful" he whispered, now hovering over me, pulling my hands from my face. I looked up at him, still feeling the tingles flowing through me as he kissed me. I tasted myself on his tongue, but the feeling of his rough hands on me again distracted me.

He ran his palm up my thigh, lifting and hooking my leg over his ass and the next thing I knew, he was slamming all he had, inside of me. "Kimi!" I gasped not expecting it so quickly, he smirked at me "I know you can handle me" he winked, making me blush all over again. His pace was slow and steady at first, but that needed to change. "Kimi..." I sighed as he filled me up over and over, he looked down into my eyes frowning slightly. "faster" and with that word, he picked up the pace tenfold. I wasn't quite sure how the bed maintained its stance.

The headboard clattered against the wall with every thrust he made. The sound of him grunting was enough to send me over the edge, his hand grabbing handfuls of my thigh another. I rested my legs on his shoulders, crossing my ankles behind his head. Jesus I had a good view from here, and I guess so did he.

He started muttering things in Finnish, and for the first time I didn't stop him. I knew he was close, but I was too, especially after the attention he was giving me earlier...

"Kimi... I'm..."
"me too" he grunted, surprisingly in English. I bit down on my lip, closing my eyes as the wave of pleasure rolled over me. His name pouring out of my mouth as my orgasm went on and on. Then I felt Kimi's cock pulsating, his hot cum coating my walls as I tried to steady my own breathing.

His sweaty body collapsed onto mine and we lay in silence, in awe of what just happened. I wrapped my arms around him, pinning him to me, taking in his masculine scent.

After a few minutes, he turned his head to look at me, that mischievous look in his eye. "I like how you say my name" flashing a pearly white smile my way. I burst out laughing as I blushed too, "it's my favourite four letter word"

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