Happy New Year

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Of course the aftermath of Christmas night was one of romance and passion. That couch will never be the same again... Anyway, that following week we spent skiing, well, Kimi trying to teach me to ski. I'd said he should get a tutor, simply because I knew that our tempers wouldn't exactly gel well together. That was obvious, but no, he decided he'd teach me all he knew. It didn't take long either.

"I can't fucking do it Kimi!" I yelled, throwing my sticks into the snow in frustration. Kimi laughed. I scowled. "it is OK, you are doing fine" he chuckled, obviously trying to hide his amusement. "I can't even Fucking stop without falling on my arse!" I snapped, struggling to get up out of the snow. Yeah this was probably my 1000th fall. Kimi walked over to me in his ski's, any other time I'd have laughed at his amusing waddle, but not now. "you have a very nice arse" he said, awkwardly using my English term. I couldn't help but smile. "I shall kiss it better when we get back home" he purred softly. "you better" I told him, sighing as I began to calm down. "come on, one more try and we stop for lunch"


The rest of the week came and went, pretty much the same, I finally managed to get down the baby slopes by the end of the week. I felt I'd accomplished something, and I was determined not to give up. And Kimi knew better than to take the piss out of me until I could do it. Then there was relentless teasing. But I didn't mind, I got him to kiss my bottom every night until it was healed from the bruises. Even after then he volunteered to carry it on. Of course I let him.


We finished off the festive week at a new year's party, at the same place we had the Christmas Eve one. One of Kimi's friends had a fantastic house and regularly held parties there. So I was told. I'd made somewhat of a friend whilst I was there at Christmas and she was here again to bring in the new year. Minttu she was called. Pretty name. Pretty girl actually. She was friends with Kimi's friends and was a flight attendant and some kind of model so she said. Weren't they all? But that was being bitchy. She seemed pretty cool, and I found myself with her for most of the time I wasn't with Kimi. Which was quite a lot of the night actually. Not that I minded too much though, I was having a good time and so was he, drinking with his buddies. He was going to be a handful when we got home.


The clock was counting down to midnight and everyone seemed to be pairing up for their new years kiss. I looked around for Kimi, noting he wasn't anywhere near his friends, when a pair of arms snaked around my waist. "you are beautiful" he growled into my ear. I rolled my eyes at his comment, yep, a handful. I turned in his grasp, seeing his eyes all hazy. I sniggered. "I am aren't I" I replied. He nodded childishly. "I have loved you since the day I met you" he told me, smiling that stomach fluttering smile he had. I couldn't help but grin at him, feeling his hands wander down my body. He leaned close to my ear, the hairs on my body standing on end. "I want to fuck you on my car at Albert Park" he mumbled, "with everybody watching" he added, pulling away, seeing my shocked expression. "you are mine!" he said, prodding himself in the chest. "everyone needs to know." he nodded sharply. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter, "I think everyone knows that already Kim" I told him, he shook his head and leaned to me again. "kiss me" he said, yanking me fast against him. Giving me no time to think, he slammed his lips against mine, right as the clock struck 12. Nice.

His tongue invaded my mouth, curling around mine in a wet, hot, fiery kiss. I found my hands in his hair, pulling his face against mine, not wanting him to pull away. But once he did, he littered tiny kisses down my neck, making me giggle as it tickled. "we go home" he declared, then grabbing my hand pulled my towards the door.


Naturally I had to drive home, knowing what state he would get himself in. Not that I minded, I was used to drunk Kimi. I kinda liked drunk Kimi. Which I had to admit was kinda handy. I laughed as I heard the rumblings of a snore coming from his side of the Ferrari. I knew we should have stayed at the party. But the mere thought of a night of passion with him was all too much. And I guess a night with his friends was the same for him.

We pulled up in his garage and I switched off the engine. "Kimi! Wake up!" I punched him hard in his shoulder. He snorted and his eyes shot open. "where we are?" I laughed at his English. "home" I declared, opening my door. My heels clicked on the cement flooring, shutting the door behind me, I walked towards the door leading to the house. I heard him oafishly clambering out of the car and shuffling after me.

I calculated he'd make it up to the living area and fall down the small step leading to the couch. *clatter yep. I was right. I turned around to find him laying in a heap on the rug. I sighed and rolled my eyes. By the time I'd picked up the blanket off the couch I could hear him snoring. I covered him over with it and kissed his head. "happy new year Kimi" I sighed and wandered off to bed.

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