Home For Christmas

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I pulled my suitcase through the doors of Kimi's home, seeing the place mostly lit by dim lights dotted around the place. I'd visited only for the week back in July, and the place already seemed to feel like home. "Kimi?!" I yelled, looking round left to right in hope that he heard me. He'd flown here straight from the race, I on the other hand had to finish off all the paperwork and clean up the mess he'd made in the post race interview in Abu Dhabi, or should I say lack of speech, more grunts. Anyway, I was all tied up and ready to start my Christmas break. Most of the drivers go home, and living places like Monaco, the weather wasn't usually too bad. We could have gone away somewhere hot if we wanted, but we'd decided to spend our time here, together. Our first Christmas.

"What are you doing here?" that dead pan voice asked, I looked to my left and saw him walking towards me with a frown. I quirked my eyebrow, "am I interrupting something?" I asked, eyeing his attire. He rolled his eyes at me as he advanced on me. I smirked at him in amusement, he was wearing a tight white long sleeved top and dark blue jeans underneath an apron that had grumpy cats face on it. "my brother thought it was funny" he said, ignoring my sniggers. "you look adorable" I sighed, feeling his arms wrap around me. I curled mine around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

"my plane took off ahead of schedule, so here I am" I grinned as I pulled away from his lips. "diner will be ready in an hour. When you should have been here" he added, making me roll my eyes this time. "go and unpack, shower, relax, I will come and get you when it is prepared." he told me. I shrugged and nodded, "okay see you soon kitty cat" I sighed walking off, hearing Kimi mumbling something under his breath. I giggled and made my way to his bedroom.


"dinner is ready" Kimi said, seeing me walk into the kitchen. I'd managed to unpack and grab a shower and change into fresh clothes before I was summoned for dinner. I pulled my damp hair over my shoulder as I looked down into the pan. "oh you've done it!" I beamed, seeing the soup bubbling away. "of course" he shrugged, "you will love it" he added giving it a stir. He knew I loved salmon so he'd suggested a while back that he should cook me a Finnish stew, Lohikeitto I think he called it. It's a salmon, leek and potato soup. It smelt as good as it looked. My stomach growled in anticipation.


After dinner was eaten and cleaned away, we took to his cinema room, snuggling up in the big chairs under an array of blankets, kissing and cuddling, totally ignoring whatever film he'd put on.

"my parents would like to meet you" he said out of the blue. "huh?" I jumped up from being snuggled into his side. He chuckled. "my parents want to meet you" he repeated, smiling down at me. I snorted, "Kimi, I've met your parents already" I laughed, dropping back down beside his chest. "I know. But they want us to have dinner together." he told me, suddenly I felt nervous. It was silly really, I'd met them countless times on race weekends and we always got on great. But this seemed scary, coz it was like, official. I guess they wanted to see us both together. "relax" he chuckled, "I can see you getting worked up. They like you already, they just want to have some time with you, get to love you as well as me" he said, I nodded and smiled. I was still nervous, I was never good at these 'meet the parent' things. "when are we doing this?" I asked, thinking it'll be in the new year. "day after tomorrow"

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