Meeting The Parents Part I

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So, the day came, well night, they'd invited us for dinner. I climbed out of Kimi's black Ferrari, looking up at the huge house he'd bought for them. It was the first time I'd visited them at their home, I mean, when was there reason to? "come, you will be fine" Kimi's voice distracted me, realising I'd just been staring at the house. I smiled at him and took his outstretched hand. He led me up the steps to the front door.


We walked through the main doors, into the very inviting hallway. It was very much a modest home, especially comparing it to Kimi's. It seemed a little cosier too. I saw Kimi removed his boots and place them on the mat beside the door so I did the same.

"Kimi! Oletko se sinä?" a female voice called, and before he could respond, a small blonde lady came rushing through. His mum. "ah Kimi" his mum cooed at him, immediately placing her hands on his face, kissing his nose. I giggled, trying to keep it discreet. It wasn't. "Arabella" she smiled turning to me. Great. It was the one negative I'd found so far with his parents, they called me by my full name. "Mrs Raikkonen" I smiled at her, "please call me Paula" she waved off my politeness. "come, dinner is almost ready" she ushered us along with her. "Matti! Matti!" she called to Kimi's dad, disappearing to wherever she'd come from. I looked to Kimi, who was giving me a Sneaky grin. I narrowed my eyes playfully at him, "did you tell her to call me that?!" he innocently shook his head, "would I be that stupid?" he whispered back to me. I couldn't help but giggle at that, as we heard his mum call for us.


We'd been there for countless hours now, not that it was a chore or anything, like I said before, I always got on well with his family. We'd spoken about work, how 'easy' it was keeping their son in check, my family, mainly my grandad. It seems Kimi had told them about him. I hadn't realised he spoke to them so much. And about me.

Anyway, dinner was done and the dishes were getting cleared away, myself and his mum doing the dishes whilst him and his dad sat and drank. This wouldn't be the way in my house, but I could see his mum loved taking care of her boys.

"I haven't seen my boy this content in a very long time" she began, passing me a dish to dry. Here we go. I looked at her with a smile. "since he got divorced, he's never brought a girl home." she said. "never even spoke of one. Apart from you" she smiled. "as soon as you started working with him I knew he was taken"
"really?" I asked, not believing that some glamorous woman hadn't caught his eye. She nodded, "I know my boys, and as soon as I met you, I knew why he was smitten with you" she almost shook with happiness. It was actually lovely to see how pleased she was for him. How proud she was of him. "he has everything he could ever wish for, the house, the lifestyle, the job, but the one thing he needs is a good woman to love him. A family" she added. "he was so young when he married Jenni, he wanted the whole thing, but she wouldn't give him it. She didn't want to have children so early, if at all. It crushed him." she sighed, pausing to think of that awful time, I could see how much it hurt her. "I am sorry my dear." she seemed to visibly shake those memories from her mind. "I just get upset knowing he so desperately wants to have children and the older he gets I know he worries it won't happen." she sighed. I honestly didn't know what the hell to say. I mean what do you say to something like that? So I hummed in response and tried to change the subject. I wondered what Kimi would say if he knew about our conversation, or if he already knew she would say this? Surely not, he's never Sneaky like that. But I had to wonder if he felt that way still. That he was desperate for kids. Obviously it wasn't something we'd spoken about. I thought I'd shelve it for now. It wasn't really something I'd planned on discussing over my Christmas break...or any time soon.

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