Sun, Sea, Sand And... Tattoos?

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Several hours of the morning had passed and myself and Soph were finally leaving the factory. "Why is it those two got to leave early and we had more work to do?!" Soph whined as I pulled out of the parking lot in the Ferrari Kimi had left for us. "cause they're not to be trusted" I smirked, hearing her giggle. "true." Soph nodded, "Seb said they're already at the beach, got us a nice spot near the sea" she sniggered, making me laugh, "easy to find then huh" I replied, cruising down there as we spoke.

Not too long later, we arrived at the beach, parking the car beside Seb's. "Where are they?" Soph asked me as we climbed out, armed with towels and our bags. "Well just look for the palest white man on the beach and you've found Kimi" I giggled, knowing he didn't really care for the sun. Soph laughed at my comment as we walked onto the sand.

"Jesus you weren't kidding!" she cackled as we saw the guys a few feet up ahead, Kimi being the one we spotted first. "told ya!" I laughed, "that's my Iceman!" I grinned, looking out to the two friends, who were sitting on towels talking in the sun, Kimi was hunched over, holding his ankles, looking back at Seb who was sitting back resting on his elbows enjoying the suns rays.

"Hey ladies" I smirked as we reached them. "what took you so long?" Seb replied, watching us drop our bags next to theirs under the parasol. "some of us had to work..." I replied sarcastically, hearing Seb chuckle, "and Bella was getting chatted up by some guys in the parking lot"
"I was not" I scoffed, then sitting my bum down on the free space on the end of Kimi's towel. "Did he ask you if you were single?"
"Precisely" Soph grinned, going to sit with Sebastian. "He said he didn't care and wanted your number anyway" Soph said, for the guys' benefit. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I grabbed the hem of my 'new dress' ready to take it off, when I suddenly became aware of the feeling of Kimi's eyes watching me. "How did you get out of it?" Seb asked, seemingly amused by our conversation. "tell em!" Soph said as I dropped Kimi's shirt onto my bag. I grinned as I looked back around at them. I coughed a little, trying to hold back my smirk "I may have used some words you taught me, and pretended I couldn't speak English..." I said, looking directly at Kimi, who immediately started beaming a smile at me. Seb and Soph burst out laughing, making me as well. "I think I ended up calling him a sheep shagger" I blushed, making Kimi laugh out loud. "that's my girl" he said, giving me that toothy smile he always held back. I couldn't help but blush then. "that's the funniest thing I've heard all week" Seb guffawed. "I can believe you taught her that" he added to Kimi. "I've gotta take something productive outta my days with him" I giggled, seeing Kimi pick up a beach ball they'd brought along and hurl it at me. I deflected it with my arm, away from my head and stuck my tongue out at him.


An hour or so later, Sophia and I had gone to cool off in the sea for a little while. "so, you and Kimi seem to be okay?" she asked as we floated around on the water. "hmm, I guess so, I half expected him to be a little awkward still after this morning when you guys were teasing him" I replied. Sophia chuckled, "well I'm sure he can handle it." she sighed. I looked across the water, seeing him layed out in the sun. Kimi was probably sleeping. "but you need to talk to him" she declared. "what now?" I asked her, I tore my eyes away from him and looked to my friend, "maybe not exactly now, but soon"
"and what do I say? Oh Kimi lets just pick up from where we left off in London. Kiss me" I said, thinking of how ridiculous it sounded.

"that could work" a third voice added to our conversation. I quickly spun around and saw Sebastian grinning widely at me. I blushed. "like I'd take advice from you" I laughed at the German. "hey, I know Kimi and that would work." he beamed. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

Seb swam over to Sophia and wrapped his arms around her. She giggled and jumped up to wrap her legs around his waist. "I'll leave you guys to it" I said, knowing this could get out of hand quite quickly and I certainly didn't want to witness that. So I turned back to the shore and swam off. Heading towards a sleeping Fin.


I walked across the hot sand to my towel, laying down on my back, letting the warm sun dry my skin. I checked my phone, replying to a few messages from friends back home and even shamelessly took a little photo from my current view. Admittedly I was tempted to take one of Kimi layed beside me, looking all hot and sweaty in just his black shorts and sunglasses but it was lucky I never, he wasn't asleep....

"please tell me they are not shagging out there" he grumbled. I couldn't help but chuckle at his choice of words. "no they aren't. Not yet. And I thought you were asleep" I added. "I had just woken up. I thought you had all left me here" I giggled more. "nope sadly were still here" I replied, sitting up resting onto my elbows as I looked at the sea in front of me.

"beer?" he spoke again as he sat up the same as me. I looked to him and grinned, showing him I concurred. He smirked at me and soon an ice cold beer was being tossed my way.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo?" he said, causing me to look at him. Seeing him looking down to the location of said tattoo. I felt my pulse quicken as he stared down at my outer thigh, just below the string of my bikini bottoms. "oh yeah, I've had that a while." I replied, trying to shrug off the tingling feeling growing inside. "why?" he asked, finally looking to my face. "I lost her a few years ago, she was my best friend and I miss her so much" I told him, explaining the reason behind why I had a Greyhound tattoo on my thigh. "Is that why you take that toy around with you?" he asked, I nodded. "silly huh"
"no. Losing your pet is hard" he replied. "I had a dog... But I had to give him up. Jenni took him when we uh..."
"oh, that's sad. I dunno how I'd deal with that. I guess I'd miss the dog more than who I was leaving" I said, making him chuckle. "especially her" Kimi added. I looked across at him warily, he'd never mentioned her like that before. This was new. "it looks good though" he said, "I like it" he smirked. And there go the butterflies again...

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