In The Garage

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Ah it's Friday people! In celebration of my good mood I am going to post this second chapter of the day and possibly a third. We'll see... Enjoy the Kiminess!

The next morning, it was race day. I was up and dressed in Soph’s room, coming out of the bathroom tying my hair up when something was slipped under the room door. I frowned walking over to it, bending down to see it was my room key card. My stomach flipped and I wanted to cry, Kimi had slipped it under the door for me, clearly not wanting to talk or see me. “What’s that?”
“My room key” I replied, turning to show Sophia. She gave me a sad smile and I bit my lip. “This is gonna be a crap day” I sighed.


Not too long later, we were at the track. Seb had messaged Soph to tell me that Kimi was here already, clearly not wanting to see me. I was feeling worse by the second. “it’s okay Bella, just go about your business like always, the day will soon pass.” She said, not that her words really helped, but I was glad she was there. I nodded at her and walked nervously through the corriodor to the garages. I took the left side into Kimi’s section, seeing him already standing with his engineers going through stats on his car. I sighed as my butterflies became stronger now that I had seen him again. I turned my attention to the back bench and dropped my ruck sack upon it, digging through for my folder of paperwork and my Dictaphone.

I fastened the bag back up, pushing it to the back of the bench and opened up the folder to double check Kimi’s schedule. It was pretty basic today, being it was race day. He didn’t have any media to do, other than the interviews on the truck as they paraded around the track to wave to the fans. As a fan it was one of my favourite things, to see them all in the ‘flesh’ so to speak, it reminded me they were actual humans and not machines hurtling around the track in a monstrous car. Anyway, it was now 8am and the crew were getting ready to gear up for the race. It was never really a time that I would see much of Kimi, usually not for most of the day actually, but I couldn’t help thinking he was avoiding me, as much as I was him. I tried to push it to the back of my mind, trying to be professional, when I was suddenly pushed in the back. I jumped, turning round to hear the sound of laughing, it was Callum, the clown of the mechanics. He was my age and a very good looking guy (who knew it) and he was a jokester. “Good morning beautiful” he beamed a cheeky smile at me. “Hey” I rolled my eyes at him as I smiled. “you have a busy night last night?!” he winked at me, “you look knackered” he grinned, I blushed as I gasped at his remark, not to mention seeing Kimi shoot a look over at me. “thanks” I replied with a chuckle, “well, if you’re gonna be gettin busy, it should be with me” Callum winked at me. “Ha! In your dreams!” I nudged him back. He mocked a hurt expression when I saw Kimi marching over. The smile on my face dropped. “I need you to look after this paper work for me” he interrupted, not really looking at me. I nodded timidly, taking the paper out of his hands. “Got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning Kimi?” Callum winked. Kimi looked up at him and then turned away, muttering something in Finnish at him. Callum looked back to me and pulled a face. “He’s in even more of an arse than normal. How do you work with the guy?” he asked, and I knew Kimi would hear him, “he’s not as bad as you think” I sighed. “Hmm, yeah well I’ll take your word for It.” he nodded, “but if you fancy some fun, give me a shout” he winked, I sniggered, “go play with your tyres” I grinned at him, making him chuckle, giving me a wink he walked away.

I turned my attention back to what I had originally been doing, but Kimi was standing right beside me, untangling the wires for his ear pieces. I felt so uncomfortable, so I grabbed my bag and looked for an empty quiet place to go through my diary. That ended up being Kimi’s quiet room.

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