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I reluctantly walked over to the pint sized Fin, causing him to look over in my direction, his steely gaze softening ever so slightly when he saw it was me. "where have you been?" he asked, "don't you dare start with me Raikkonen" I hissed at him, "not after that fucking interview" he put his head down a little, not making eye contact with me. "not only have I got a shit fucking debrief with the press to do because of you and your shitty remarks, I've also got to baby sit four of your fucking fan club" I growled, making him glance up over my shoulder, I knew he recognised them instantly. "so you better arse kiss them or I'll book you in for as many interviews as I can for the rest of the season" I promised him. Which he knew I would, so on came his cool chilled out expression and he headed on over to the four guys, leaving me standing there trying to calm down, from my anger at his pig of an attitude on the truck and the dizzying feeling of electricity I usually had when I was around him, I fucking hated him sometimes.

Ten minutes later he came back, muttering under his breath as he rejoined me, something about them being from the rival team that he supported back home. Not that I cared, quite frankly I found it amusing. But I tried my hardest to stifle my giggle, I didn't want him thinking I was okay with him so soon. The idiot needed to know I was hurt by what he said.

I busied myself beside him briefly, checking through everything he needed and making sure he was good to go. The usual thing I did on race days, except today I wasn't going to be there when he climbed into the car. "right, everything's ready for you. I've put your phone and ipod in my bag, I'll take it with me. Your hat and glasses I'll leave on here" I told him, indicating to the seat on which guests and loved ones, usually wives and girlfriends sat on. He looked at me confused, "why are you not staying?" he asked, dropping his hands onto his hips as he frowned at me awaiting my answer. "because I have to entertain those guys." I said, indicating to his 'fan club' behind me. "and sort out the shit storm you so kindly left me in your interview" I added. Kimi looked down a little as his feet. "Bella-"
"save it Kimi, I think you've said enough today don't you" I snapped at him. "I'll see you in debrief after the race" I said, quickly looking away from his surprisingly sad expression, "good luck" I hastily grabbed my bag and the paperwork sitting beside his helmet, and without another glance at him I turned and headed back to the hockey guys.

My heart was tearing up just leaving him like that, and the guilt was bubbling up because it was right before the race. But I had to go, my job was more important than his feelings, right?

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