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I had been sitting here for about an hour undisturbed, every so often checking my watch, knowing the time was coming when I would have to brief Kimi on what to say and not to say if he were to be interviewed on the truck. I really didn't want to do it, but I couldn't avoid it, besides, if this was my attitude how could I possibly continue to work with him here? Then the fear of the thought of moving to a different team hit me. I didn't want to do that, but if we couldn't work together, it wouldn't be their world champion that left would it? I shook my head, trying to calm my thoughts when the door to the quiet room flew open. I jumped, looking up from my position on the physio bed, seeing Kimi walk through the door, pausing when he saw me sitting there with my papers all around me. His expression was as steely as ever, as he then walked further into the room. "I'll get out your way" I said to him, to which he simply shrugged at me.

I jumped off the couch, with my bag and headed to the door. "That mechanic is asking for you" he said quietly as I was about to open the door. I paused and looked round. "Who?" I frowned, "that one from earlier, the loud one" he said, his back still to me as he rifled through his bag to find his water bottle I packed last night.

"Callum? Why?" I frowned again. "I don't know. He asked where you were." He replied emotionlessly. "Oh" I replied, shrugging the bag onto my shoulder a little more as I went to open the door again. "probably to flirt with you some more." He added. I paused in my actions as I heard Kimi's little remark. "is that what you do? Spend your time flirting with anyone that gives you attention?" he asked, looking back at me. I couldn't believe he of all people was saying this to me. I was gob smacked. "fuck you Kimi!" I yelled at him, then I rushed out of the room and slammed the door before he had a chance to see the tears that were about to pour from my eyes.

"oh god Bella, what's matter?" I bumped into Soph as I headed for the toilets. I shook my head, not daring to speak for fear of the tears flowing. "come on, we can spare a minute" she said softly, briefly looking around and then ushering us both into a little closet behind the visitors section.

"that dickhead" I spluttered as I let the tears out. "who? Kimi?" she asked and I nodded in response. "what the hell has he done?" she asked, worry in her voice. I swallowed and took a breath, explaining what had just happened. "what an arse" I looked at her through my tear soaked lashes. "what an absolute arse" she shook her head, making me laugh a little. "you know why he's said it though right?" she asked, I shrugged my shoulders, "cause he hates me now?" I offered up my explanation. Soph rolled her eyes and shook her head, "because his ego's been bruised" she said. I frowned. "Bella, that guy really likes you, and I bet more than anything he's embarrassed for both of you. He probably won't know how to be around you at the minute and he's apparently decided to be an idiot" she said. I sighed, the tears slowly easing. "but he obviously thinks that though. It's Kimi, he doesn't say things he doesn't mean" I said, wiping the wet streaks from my cheeks. Sophia sighed, "you know what, he's probably jealous of the fact there's other guys here that find you attractive and he won't like it. Or the fact that the guys flirt with you. I mean hell, Callum's had a thing for you since you started here, he makes it so fucking obvious" she laughed. "and cause he can't have a go at the guys for looking like a loser, he's taking it out on you instead" she explained. "I guess so" I shrugged. "well then, pull yourself together, this ain't the Bella I know and love. Let's sort out that make up and let's show that Finnish son of a bitch what he's messing with"


Soon after our little pep talk, we exited the store cupboard, getting a few odd looks from some of the guys and we headed back to our tasks at hand. I walked out to the back of the garage ready to collect Kimi and walk him to the interview truck, as this was an every race occurrence. However, I received a message on my phone to inform me of an impromptu meeting with some sponsors, and I was needed in the next five minutes. I sighed, knowing I was going to miss the start of the race, not to mention the interviews of which it was imperative I listened. Anyway, I didn't even have time to leave a note for Kimi, so I placed everything he was going to need on the shelf beside his helmet and gloves and then hot footed it down to the hospitality suite.

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