Love Me Like You Do

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Some Smut, short chapter. Sorry for the wait guys

My shorts were off before I'd even stepped into the water, same with my t shirt. I wasn't wearing a bra, so that saved Kimi a job, so now I was being carried, over his shoulder I might add, into his pool.

"put me down Kimi!" I yelled, frustrated at him ignoring me. That wasn't anything new. He laughed at me and literally threw me into water!

I resurfaced as gracefully as I could, my long dark hair clinging to my bare back as I stood up, letting him have a good look at my nearly naked form. That fire was there in his eyes. I tilted my chin up, pretending to be in a mood with him as I strutted (as much as one can strut in water) to the steps of the pool.

"where are you going?" he chuckled, taking his shirt off. I tried my hardest and didn't look at him. He laughed more. "you look good like that" he added. "like a drowned rat?!" I asked, my hands on my hips defiantly. Kimi laughed again, pulling me gently to him. He wrapped his tattooed arms around me, "no, wet. I love it when you are wet"


I was pressed up against the cold tiled wall of Kimi's pool, the feeling of being practically naked was actually quite freeing. My legs wrapped tightly around Kimi's waist meant I could feel his raging hard on throbbing against my crotch. He'd taken everything off in one fell swoop as he'd walked me over to the side of the pool.

My fingers interlocked with his as we shared a soft, meaningful kiss. My eyelids fluttered closed as I got lost in the moment. I felt him raise my arms up, resting them on the poolside.

Leaving them there, still as he kissed me, I felt his fingers glide down my waist, taking my underwear with him. I opened my eyes and uncrossed my legs from around his waist, standing before him, for only the second time totally naked. "turn around" he whispered, spinning his finger to reiterate his request.

So I turned slowly in the water, coming face to face with the tiled wall of the pool, not waiting long for Kimi's next move. His chest pressed firmly against my back, his hands instantly cupping my boobs.

I gripped the edge of the pool, as Kimi sunk his teeth into my neck. I hissed at the sensation, distracted so I hadn't noticed his right hand drift down to part my folds. I breathed his name as he worked me over, rolling his thumb over my clit.

It was like he'd memorised everything I liked from our first night together. The speed he slid his nimble fingers inside me, the angle he stroked my inner walls, the words he breathed into my ears were magic. He knew just how to work my body, but before I could truly savour in his talents, he moved away from me.

I pouted, audibly whining, ready to yell at him for leaving me hanging but I was taken by surprise as I felt the top of his cock at my entrance. "you ready?"


"so have you got any plans for us whilst I'm here?" I rolled over, under the huge soft white duvet on Kimi's super king-size bed. He gave me a smile I knew held something behind it. I gave him a dubious look, making him chuckle as he ran a hand through my hair. "this" he replied simply, making my insides quiver.

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