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So here I was. Finding myself walking through the crowds of familiar faces headed to the balcony where Seb told me Kimi was hiding out. Nerves started jolting through my body as I came closer and closer to my destination. Don't be so stupid Bella, it's Kimi. It's only Kimi. I tried to shake the nerves but I could only feel them getting stronger. Let's get this over with. I took a deep breath and stepped out onto the terrace.

My eyes searched the area in front of me, there weren't many out here, but enough to hide him from my view. But then I noticed him, leaning on the railing, his fingers gently cradling the stout glass half filled with what I assumed would be vodka, grey goose or crystal most probably. Then I noticed he wasn't alone.

Some girl I hadn't seen around before, was giggling at something, flicking her long blonde hair over her shoulder. Kimi isn't into blondes. I couldn't help myself think. I watched them briefly, knowing that I should walk away, when he turned his head in my direction. I stood there frozen to the spot, looking back at him as he stood up straight. The girl, now standing behind him, noticed me, and scowled. Internally I sniggered. She moved round him trying to take his attention off me, but it didn't work. He simply ignored her and began to walk towards me. My butterflies began to wake and the closer he got, the stronger they fluttered, right until he reached me.

"am I interrupting something?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him. I could hear the girl calling after him as he made his way over to me. How desperate. "I don't like blondes" he replied. I giggled lightly, making him smile that smile he rarely let shine. "has Sebastian sent you out here?" he asked, still standing opposite me, neither of us moving an inch. I nodded and looked down to my feet. "honestly I didn't know if I should. Or if I wanted to" I confessed shyly, still looking down to the floor. "well now that you are, will you have a drink with me?" he asked, almost inaudible over the music booming through the club. I looked to his handsome face and nodded.


He took me through another set of doors I hadn't even noticed, leading from the terrace to a dark empty room. It was decked out the same as the main room we were all in, but this was obviously not in use, and the bar was closed. Still, that didn't stop Kimi.

"I don't think you're actually supposed to be round there" I laughed, watching him walk around the bar, searching for his preferred choice of his beloved alcohol. Kimi shrugged, "I don't care, do you?" he asked looking back at me. I shrugged, beaming a huge smile at him. He nodded and then took to fixing us both a drink, so I decided to slip up onto the bar Stool opposite him.

"thanks" I caught the glass he said along the bar top to me. "cheers, to your home Gp" he declared, raising his glass. "to my home Gp" I laughed and then we took a sip of our drinks.

I placed my glass back down onto the bar and looked up seeing Kimi watching me with his blank expression, I hated not being able to read him so easily. "I am sorry Bella" he said, briefly looking down to his glass, then back up to my eyes. "I did not mean it." I believed him, I knew he would never say something like that to hurt me. "I am sorry I hurt you. But when I see him with you,"
"Callum?" Kimi's eyes darkened at the mere mention of his name. "Kim, Callum is just a friend, he doesn't mean any harm" I told him softly, "its just banter, he knows he can't take it further" I added. Kimi looked away and took a gulp of his drink. "good. I don't like it." he replied. I looked back to his face, seeing a different kind of look in his eye. It gave me confidence from somewhere, "funnily enough I don't like brunettes" I shrugged. Smooth Bella... I inwardly face palmed but Kimi chuckled. I watched him place his empty glass on the bar top and he then walked back around to join me.

"good" he said softly. He stood in front of me, looking down into my eyes. "I would not like for you to hate me" he continued. My heart pounded in my chest as he spoke. "I don't hate you Kimi," I sighed, keeping my eyes locked with his, "and it appears granddad doesn't either... " I added, making him look quizzically at me. "I just got a voice mail off him" I explained. "what had you promised him?" I asked, not wanting to leave it much longer in asking him. He looked down a little, breaking his gaze on me. I'd never seen Kimi look this way before, like he had been caught out.

"Kimi?" I pressed a little, knowing he had to tell me. "I promised him that I would always look out for you, care for you." he told me, looking into my eyes. I could feel my heart racing, my blood rushing through my body as the heat rose up from my toes, "and I said I would never let you go" he almost whispered, lifting his hand to my face gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Cliché I know.

But that did it, I had lost all concept of reality, moving evermore closer to him, I felt myself being drawn into him, to his lips when a loud cough caught our attention. It was Sophia, standing by the door. "I'm really sorry Bella, but Maurizio wants to see us" she said with a worried look on her face. "right now?!" I whined, seeing Soph nod in response. "fuck sake" I sighed.

I looked back to Kimi, who was still standing in front of me, watching me. Suddenly the bashful side of me emerged again. I felt my skin flush pink. Kimi smirked, "I am not supposed to get you alone I think" my face burned brighter and I glanced down a little and grinned. "I'll see you later?" I asked as he stepped back from me. "of course" he replied as he watched me slide off the Stool and walk, over to Sophia. And yes, my knees were knocking together...

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