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sorry for the ridiculously short chappy. Hey ho. And I suppose I should say there's some Swears from this point on...

We'd spent the rest of the night dancing, having fun and I soon forgot about the awkward moment with the other guy. Seb and Sophia seemed more and more comfortable with each other, and in the car on the way back to the hotel, they looked cosy sitting beside each other.

We left them on their floor, and headed on up to ours, the floor above. "I think they're gonna be good together" I sighed, walking out of the lift. "yes. Me too" Kimi replied as he walked beside me. His hand still on my waist. I had his jacket over my shoulders, keeping me warm and his bow tie was hanging out of my purse. "you can see the way he looks at her, he thinks she's beautiful" I sighed, happy that my friend was finally making a move with the guy she's liked for months. "I'd like that some day" I said, not really thinking about what I was saying. "you never talk about those things" Kimi said as we neared my room. I shrugged. "you don't wanna hear me talking about that stuff" I said, trying to laugh it off. "yes I do."
"but you don't talk about it either" I said, making a point that our friendly relationship only goes so far. He shrugged too, "it is a habit" he said. I smiled and nodded. Finally we reached my room. I unlocked the door and opened it. "oh, your jacket" I said, slipping it off my shoulders. "keep it. it looks better on you" he smiled at me, making me giggle. "everything looks better on you" he added, stepping closer to me. My heart began racing as I couldn't guess what he was going to do. "you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen" he said, stepping closer still to me, kissing me perfectly on the lips. I jumped back after he pulled away, "Kimi!" I gasped at him. "what?" he chuckled at me. I just looked back at him as confused as hell. "you just! You..."
"I kissed you."
"yeah!" I gasped still in shock. He laughed at me. "How many drinks have you had?!" I asked him. He laughed at me again. "I am okay" he shrugged at me. "I will see you in the morning" he grinned at me, throwing a wink in there too, and then walking down the corridor. I darted into my room and locked the door. What the fuck was that?!

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