Working It

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Five minutes later, I was still in the Ferrari, but hastily trying to get my shit together or we would be late. I was sitting there in the drivers seat arranging Kimi's shirt, it seemed a little short as I sat, not exactly professional. I was tugging at the hem of the shirt, aiming to cover my modesty when the passenger door opened, "are you ready yet?" I jumped looking to see Kimi poking his head in to me. "Kimi!!!" I yelled at him, making him smirk at me, so I grabbed my shoe and threw it at him. "ow!" grabbing it as it his chest. "where's soph?!" I exclaimed, hastily tugging at the dress again, "went inside with Seb. They are telling them we are here" he said, looking everywhere but at me. It was kinda cute. I grabbed the belt that I had fortunately accessorised the previous dress with and wrapped that around my waist, giving me a bit of a figure I hoped! "shoe!" I barked at the finn, who then shut the passenger door and a few seconds later, opened my door and bent down holding my strappy black heel for me.

My heart fluttered a little looking down at him. He took his pale hand to my ankle, holding my leg as he slipped the heel onto my foot. Once it was in place, he raised his eyes, running them along the length of my leg, up my body and to my eyes. "thank you" I said softly, knowing I was blushing. "you are welcome" he said, then holding his hand out to me, to help me out of the low riding car. I took it gently, rising up out of the leather seat, standing on the hot tarmac of the parking lot. Kimi closed the door behind me after grabbing my bag for me, whilst I checked my reflection in the car. It actually didn't look half bad. "Its not too inappropriate is it?" I chewed on my bottom lip, looking at myself, then turning to Kimi when I didn't get an answer.

"uh..." he jumped, as I caught him looking at my bum and legs from behind me. I felt my face flush up once more. "c'mon iceman" I playfully rolled my eyes at him, and grabbed his wrist and pulled him along. Don't get me wrong, I felt a little flustered catching him looking at me, Even though I secretly liked it, especially as I was wearing his shirt and not much else. Easy Bella, you're at work...


"wow" Seb grinned as we walked up to him and Sophia in the main lobby. I blushed, "can you do that for me?" he said, turning to Soph, who blushed as much as I did. It made me giggle, "does it look too unprofessional?" I asked her, trying to calm her down as much as myself. She instantly shook her head, "no, it actually looks good" she grinned at me. "right Kimi?" she said, raising her brow at him, over my right shoulder. I suddenly felt myself blush and I looked round at him as he was busted again checking me out. "bwoah... It's... Uh... " he stammered and looked up over to the reception desk, "I will go and sign in" he said, avoiding eye contact with any of us. Sophia giggled. "you're gonna kill him today Bella" Seb giggled as he turned from watching Kimi to look at me. I blushed, again. "I feel sorry for the poor guy" he sighed then, shaking his head, looking back at Kimi, causing us to do the same, "why?" Sophia asked, sometimes she can be so naïve. "well I wouldn't be able to keep my hands to myself if you were wearing my shirt and not much else around me all day" he replied in a matter of fact manner. "Seb!" she blushed profusely and looked away from him a little. I sniggered behind her. She looked round at me with that bashful expression of hers. "I'm only saying," he shrugged. "and that's how he'll feel. Poor bastard" Seb sighed.


Once we had all signed in, myself and Soph had to head to the media office while the guys were taken to do some shooting for an Italian commercial. I personally wanted to stay and watch the guys in action, particularly to watch Kimi being spectacularly awkward whilst acting. The thought made me giggle.

"so how about you rip your dress accidentally on purpose?" I whispered to Soph whilst we were sitting in the media office at two of the desks at the back of the room. She giggled and went bright red, "I can't believe Seb said that" she whispered back as she glanced at me away from her computer screen. I nodded, "at least he's up front" I said, chewing on my pen. "oh and Kimi was far more subtle was he?!" she responded making me blush this time. I couldn't help but laugh though. "the poor guy" she said, poking out her bottom lip, "hey, Kimi does it to himself, I don't ask him to look at my legs do I?"

"and the rest! I don't think there's a part of you he hasn't mentally undressed!" she giggled as quietly as she could. I rolled my eyes, "must learn it of Seb" I said, causing her to pull her tongue out at me, making me do it back to her. We giggled again, causing someone to shush us.

"I can't believe we're in here" Sophia sighed with a bit of sass. "I know right, I thought we'd have a private room like back home" I nodded, "suppose its only for a couple of hours though eh" she replied, I nodded. "what are we doing this afternoon now the guys are here?" I asked, Soph shrugged, "we can still go to the beach as planned, they can either come along or head out on their own" she said, I nodded, "I think Kimi will have a heart attack though before the days out" she said, "why?" I frowned, "well you'll be in your bikini later" she winked. "oh fuck" I sighed.

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