Making Moves

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We'd been dancing for quite a while, and with some of the mechanics. It was all harmless fun, but when I glanced over at Kimi and Seb, neither of them looked happy. "I'm gonna grab a drink!" I yelled to Sophia, who nodded at me and carried on strutting her stuff.

I grabbed two drinks and headed over to the table we had been sat at with the guys. I placed a drink in front of Kimi, who winked at me in appreciation. "where is mine?" Seb asked playfully. I grinned as I sat down. "you are going to have a dance with your PA" I said, then seeing Kimi laughing. He'd taken his suit jacket off long ago, but now his bow tie had gone too. His top two buttons open. "oh, no..." Seb shook his head nervously, the smile dropping from his face. "go on! make your move!" Kimi laughed, pushing him to get him up. Seb shot a glare at Kimi and he just shrugged, "she already knows!" he said, referring to me. Seb looked at me in a panic. I smiled at him innocently. "you need to make a move!" I said, following Kimi's lead. Kimi tugged on his shirt sleeve and nodded to the dance floor. Seb looked over to Sophia dancing with the mechanics. "but she won't-"
"she will" I said, nodding crazily. He looked at me a little confused, "you didn't tell me!!" Kimi gasped, leaning forward at me. I laughed, seeing he wasn't happy that I didn't divulge that she had feelings for Seb. "friends code!" I laughed at him, seeing him slump back in his seat. "go on Seb, you won't regret it!" I grinned at him, the smile that crept upon his face made me giggle, "okay!" he said, taking a deep breath, he got up, down the rest of his drink and then headed onto the dance floor with Sophia in his sights.

I watched him walk over to her and timidly touch her hand. She looked round, seeing it was him, she smiled and turned her back to the guy she had been dancing with to face Seb. They looked so happy, yet nervous with each other. It was cute.

I smiled and took my drink, sipping on it, when the figure opposite me took my attention. Kimi was still slumped on the couch, resting his glass on his chest, looking at his outstretched feet. I rolled my eyes. "why are you sulking?" I asked, rather amused at his demeanour. "I am not" he said, like a little child. I giggled, getting up from my stool and taking Seb's seat beside him. "why didn't you tell me she liked him?" he asked, I grinned, knowing he was pouting. "she made me promise not to. She wasn't ready to do anything about it, and I wanted to make sure Seb felt the same." I said. He thought about it for a minute and then nodded. "do you want to dance?" he asked me. I frowned, "maybe in a little while, I don't want to interrupt them" I said. "with me?" he said, ignoring my last comment. I looked at him and raised my brow. "you've never asked me to dance with you before" I said, and kind of wanting an explanation. "well now I am" he replied. "well come on! I've seen you bust out some moves, let's go Iceman!" I said, jumping up. He laughed at me, taking his time to get up and then I dragged him onto the dance floor.

I think Seb and Sophia were surprised to see us on the floor together, and at first we were dancing apart, just enjoying the music, when a guy from earlier spotted me, and took my hand, trying to get me to dance with him. His demeanour had changed a little, and he was trying to touch me inappropriately at this point. I tried to pull away, looking round to the guys. I was glad to see Seb nod over to me, making Kimi turn around, he looked beyond angry. He could see I was trying to get away from this guy. He stormed over, taking my hand softly in his, bringing his right hand onto my hip. The guy in front of me looked annoyed. "she is with me!" Kimi yelled at the guy, pulling me gently away from the other guy's grasp. He turned me away from the guy and I sighed, "thank you" I said, looking up into Kimi's icy blue eyes. "I cannot let you out of my sight" he said, a slight smile on his face. I blushed and looked away from him shyly. "come, you dance with me. No one else" he said, bringing me over to Seb and Sophia, who hugged me after seeing the whole thing. "I'm okay" I said, noting that Kimi's hand had never once left my waist.

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