Baby Sitting

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    I spent the last hour or so confirming interviews with various broadcast companies that wanted to talk to Kimi and then double checking the car was booked for him for the dinner tonight. I was going, but I was going with Sophia, Sebastian Vettel's media officer. We'd become good friends since she had joined the team when Sebastian signed with Ferrari this season, and we spent quite a bit of down time together, and especially since Kimi and Seb were good friends. As I flicked through my diary, my cell phone rang out with a text message. I cringed, glancing up at Kimi, but I knew nothing would wake him up.

Soph: Hey beautiful! Really nervous for tonight! Seb has asked to come with us in the car!! Xxx

    It was Sophia. I giggled to myself. Since she had been working with the German, she had fallen for his boyish charms, and she was as scared as hell that she did something stupid. I told her countless times she wouldn't, as she loved her job more than anything and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that, but her feelings for Seb did make me wonder...

Me: Don't be nervous! We'll have a great time! And it's good that he wants to come with us! Unless you want me to go alone.... ;) xxx

Soph: HELL NO!! Do NOT leave me! Not when he's gonna be suited up! Xx

    I giggled at her again. she worked with him 24/7, like I did with Kimi, and she was only worried about doing something silly when we were out tonight when he was dressed up. I typed her a quick reply and then placed my diary on the floor as I made my way over to the sleeping Finn I was baby sitting.

    "Kimi" I said sternly, I hated having to wake him up. He was grumpy at the best of times, but I was about to wake him up so he could go to a press event... "Kimi!" I repeated, this time shaking him firmly on the arm. He grumbled at me and rolled onto his side. I sighed, and bent down onto the balls of my feet. "Get up!" I shouted at him, as I crouched face to face with him. He growled and opened one of his eyes slightly. "You do not need to shout" he grumbled, making me tut. "It's time to go" I said, looking over his face. He was still crinkled up against his pillow, and his hair had managed to be sticking out as many ways as possible. I smirked a little at him and stood up. "Why are you laughing" he said sleepily as he sat up. "I think you should wear your hat" I replied, bending down to pick up my diary, I heard him cursing in his mother tongue, knowing he was checking out his reflection. "You could help me..." he said, making me spin round to look at him. "I'm your PA, not your hairdresser" I said, raising an eyebrow. He smirked at me and turned to search for his hat.

    As he wasted time looking for the crumpled hat that he had ended up sleeping on, the door to the motor home flung open. I jumped, looking round to see Sebastian grinning at us. "Good afternoon Arabella" the German driver grinned that boyish grin at me. I scowled at him for using my Sunday name, but his childish grin made me relent. "Hey Seb" I smiled back at him, then seeing a breathless Sophia appear behind him, looking rather flustered. "What have you two been doing?" I teased, raising an eyebrow at them, the two of them blushed like crazy and Sophia shot me a glare. "He ran off while I was trying to get my papers together, I didn't know he was only coming here" Sophia huffed as she pushed Seb into our trailer. I smirked at her "I could say the same to you guys" Seb laughed, pulling at Kimi's hair, causing him to jerk his head away as he shoved the hat onto his blonde hair. I burst out laughing at the two of them, "he's been asleep, as usual" I said, glaring at Kimi. "I was tired" he yawned. "Well there's no time for that. We have to go!" Sophia chirped up, ushering the guys out of the motor home.

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