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It took us about two hours to be finally ready for the night. Sophia was looking as exotic as ever in a sea green and white maxi dress, making me glad that I had some sort of tan because my thigh skimming white number didn't exactly flatter my usually milky white English skin. We checked ourselves over one last time in the full length mirror and then headed down to the lobby where the guys were meeting us.


"this is like, yours and Seb's first date" I pointed out as we stepped into the lift. Sophia spins round to me, "no don't say that! Don't freak me out!" she gasped. I laughed, shaking my head at her, "you're almost at third base with him anyway" I kindly added. She gasped again. "Bella!" I laughed harder. "well technically this would be a double date. Since you and Kimi are joining us" she pointed out. I rose my eyebrow at her as the lift doors opened, "well," I sighed, looking out across the lobby, "old me would have freaking ran at that comment. But now I'm freaking out that Kimi isn't here" I said, seeing Sebastian standing alone waiting for us. My heart dropped into my stomach. "I'm sure there's a reason" Sophia said, "c'mon. "

I hear you thinking what's changed? Why all of a sudden are you open to your feelings for Kimi? Well, I have to say, after having a talk with Sophia in our hotel room, I was trying my hardest to combat the usual doubts I had in my mind, and just enjoy the attention I was getting off Kimi. And if I found myself out of my depth, well, I'd just deal with it. I just hoped I stuck to it. All I needed was for Kimi to actually be here...

"don't you ladies look nice" Sebastian grinned at the two of us, pecking Sophia on the lips. "ever the Charmer huh Seb" I smirked at him, he chuckled.  "I only speak the truth" he grinned cheekily at me. I rolled my eyes making him chuckle once more. "ah, here he is" Seb said, taking my attention to behind me. Walking through the doors from the stairway, Kimi moved across the lobby to us.

"sorry. I forgot my wallet" he apologised, only looking at me, I couldn't help but smile at him and take in his appearance. He wore a pair of crisp white trainers, some classic Kimi baggy jeans, a white T shirt and my personal favourite; his grey beanie hat.

"lets go, the cars waiting" Seb declared, taking Sophia about the waist and leading us out of the lobby. I felt Kimi move round me, I looked to him, as he moved behind me to my right side. "wow" he sighed, keeping his gaze on me. I couldn't help but flush pink at his comment. He smirked at my bashfulness. Without saying a word, but keeping the smile that was plastered on my face since I had seen him, I took the initiative and slipped my hand round Kimi's bicep, warranting him to smile at the unexpected gesture. I couldn't help but get excited and wonder what this evening would bring.


We were soon nearing the end of the meal, none of us wanting it to end yet, and that's when Sebastian piped up "so ladies, how do we fancy taking this along to the club up the road?" he offered. Neither of us had to be asked twice. "lead the way Vettel" I announced, making Kimi grin at me and clink my glass with his.


The club wasn't too far away so we decided to walk. It seemed fairly quiet on the streets and the weather was still pretty warm. "I'll have to come back here on holiday some time" I said to Kimi as we strolled down the street behind Sophia and Sebastian. "yes, it is very much a beautiful country."
"I was just telling Sophia we must all come back during the summer break. Stay at my house on the lake" Seb turned to us. "sounds good Sebby" I grinned at him. "indeed Arabella" he smirked at me. Kimi chuckled beside me.


We got into the club with ease, apparently the doorman knew who the guys were and we walked straight on in.

Sebastian seemed to know where he was going and led us up a few floors to the roof top terrace. It was incredibly pretty up here, palm trees stood in huge pots around the perimeters of the terrace, a huge bar lined one edge and there were booths and tables, and small cube style seats littered across the floor. It was fairly busy out here too, but us girls found a table in the middle of the terrace.

"I'm so ready to get Seb on that dance floor" Sophia sighed, watching the German at the bar. I cackled watching the lust fill her eyes. "it's been a while then I gather" I teased her. She gave me a bashful smile, making me nudge her playfully. I giggled, "well tonight's the night then huh" I winked, making her blush harder. "let him show you his bratwurst" I laughed at my awful joke. She rolled her eyes at me and blushed harder "what's so funny?" Sebastian asked as he saw me sniggering. "not a thing Sebby" I answered him, Sophia was too embarrassed to look him in the eye. "okay" he said, then downing his shot before he'd even sat down. Me and Soph just watched him with mouths agape as Kimi appeared behind him, carrying four glasses. "right, we're going to dance" he declared, holding his hand out to Sophia. I looked at her and she looked to me. I couldn't help but beam a smile at her. She narrowed her eyes at me playfully and without a word she took his hand and off they went to the floor below us.

"Where are they going? I just got drinks?" Kimi asked me as he sat down, missing the whole thing. "to dance" I replied, looking at the glasses in front of me. "ah well. More for us" he replied, pulling the glasses closer to our side of the table.



About an hour and little bit later Sebastian and I were making our way back up to Bella and Kimi. "do you think she's broken his tiny heart yet?" Sebastian giggled as he clutched at my waist. I scoffed, reaching the top of the stairs, I walked through the door way, eyes searching for the table we left them at. They weren't there. I scanned the room quickly, finally my eyes landing on them in a booth at the back of the terrace. "Seb" I gasped, "they're kissing!"

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