Silverstone Already?!

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Another short one guys...

So, the new year began and our holiday was over, it was back to the hard slog of work. Kimi was back to training every day, a tight diet was on the cards as well as flying back and forth to the factory for simulator sessions and meetings and the like. I had my own work to be doing as well as my usual sorting out of Kimi's schedule and booking his flights etc. I flew with him on the occasions we were at the factory at the same time, but a lot of the work I could do from home. Which was my home. In England. Kimi offered me his home to stay at but I needed to go home, visit my family, after all, I wasn't going to be back home until the British GP.

Which is where I'll pick this story back up....


We were half way through the season now, and back at Silverstone. My love for this place grows with every year I'm here. "I can't believe we're back here already" Sophia sighed as we walked through the paddock. The sun was beating down on us which was an odd one for it being close to the race weekend. Usually we'd get rain for most of it. Since I'd been coming anyway. "I know right. This year's been crazy. It's gone so quickly. I can't believe it was a year ago my grandad was ill" I said, thinking back to that awful time. "yeah. And then Kimi coming to your rescue" Soph giggled. I rolled my eyes but smiled. "yeah I guess so. But what about you guys! You've come a long way since last year" I beamed at her, glancing down to the huge diamond ring Seb had proposed with at Christmas. She blushed and looked to it herself. "well yeah, I never thought this would have happened" she smiled. Her smile could light up the whole room since she got with Vettel. I was so happy for her. "do you think Kimi would propose?" she asked as we neared the motor homes. I laughed a little. "I doubt it. Not for a while, if ever" I said, "he's been acting rather weird this week" I sighed, reflecting on his mood. "how so?"
"well, I'm not sure as funny as that sounds, just not the usual Kimi I know" I said vaguely, "I can't put my finger on it" I said, pushing the door open to Seb's motor home. Finding just him in there. "hey Arabella"
"where is he?" I asked, ignoring his attempt at winding me up. "in his motor home." he replied. I nodded and turned to leave.


"she's spending too much time with Kimi" Seb laughed watching Bella walk out the door. I hummed, "she's worried he's acting weird" I said, still staring at the door she'd just left through. "ah. Maybe I know something about that...." I looked at Seb with a raised brow.

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