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Kimi and I finished off the drinks he had brought to the table and immediately wanted to go and get more. I agreed but decided to use the bathroom whilst he was gone.

On my way back out, I noticed some guys had taken our table. I cursed to myself and looked to seek out Kimi at the bar.

I pushed through the groups of people hovering around the bar, and noticed that Kimi was leaning on the counter top, watching me walk towards him. I felt the usual feeling of my blushes flood my cheeks but I tried my best not to get all shy on him. Which, I might add, is as hard as hell when you have the Iceman looking you up and down like he was, with that panty melting smile of his...

I flashed him a smile back as I made my way over to him, and yes maybe I did sashay a little too... I saw a girl to the side of him, who I'd noticed had been giving him the eye all night, fluff up her hair, ready to make a move on him.

Ah, another blonde bimbo pushing her boobs up into his face as she stood beside him at the bar, leaning over to paw at his arm. Inside I felt sick, just the sight of another girl acting like that towards him made me undeniably uncomfortable. I suppose he was used to it though. Not very settling either.

However, his eyes never left me as I carried on my path to his side. I decided this time not to hesitate and I rejoined him at the bar. This was it, I needed to stake my claim. Enough side steppin'.

As I reached him, I didn't let him utter one syllable. I moved between him and the bar, sliding my hands up his toned chest and without warning I planted one hell of a kiss on his deliciously soft lips.

He reciprocated my action almost immediately, adding a rather animalistic growl for good measure, making me pull away giggling. "I saw a free booth back there if you're done here?" I purred at him, looking him right in the eye as the silly blonde beside watched in horror. Not waiting for his reply, I grabbed my drink the waiter had just placed on the bar and took off in the direction of the free booth.

My legs were like jelly as I tried to walk as confidently away from Kimi as I could, because knowing him, he would have been taking joy in watching me walk away. I slipped into the booth, quite gracefully I might add, and looked up to see Kimi heading my way.

"You need to stop walking away from me when we kiss" he said, sliding into the booth beside me. I giggled at his comment and felt my cheeks heat up. "well I kinda wanted to get you away from that bimbo" I confessed, making Kimi chuckle. "I liked the way you did that" he answered, grinning widely at me. my cheeks heated up even more but I smiled shyly at him. "I think you are not leaving my side now" keeping that grin on his face, he leaned into me, sliding his right hand onto my cheek and pressing his lips gently to mine.

*cough cough*

Kimi reluctantly pulled away from me and we looked round to the sudden intrusion, and there was Sophia and Sebastian, standing by the table. My face as red as a beetroot and Kimi sat there, sliding his arm across my shoulders, smiling like a cat who got the cream...

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