The Prancing Horse

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It's Saturday peeps! Maybe a double update?! And on secrets too? :D

The flight from Stansted was pretty uneventful, tying up some loose ends from the race weekend and answering emails on planned interviews with the guys. That was pretty much it. Oh, and filling in Sophia on the saga that was me and Kimi. I was just waiting for her to suggest some absurd ship name...

But right now, we were entering the hotel room we had just checked into. And when I say room, I mean suite, the place was freaking huge! "they're really spoiling us aren't they" Soph said as she looked around our home for the next week and a half. "that's an understatement eh?" I laughed, noticing a letter and a couple of bags on one of the beds. "what's that?" Soph asked as I unfolded the letter and scanned the words. "they've given us new uniforms to wear here" I gasped, dropping the letter onto the bed and rummaging through the bag with my name on it, "oh my god! We've got dresses!" I squeaked as I pulled out a bright red cotton dress, and one in black too. "oh cool" Soph said walking over looking at the garment I was holding up. It was a thin cotton dress with a scoop front and a cool cut out at the back with the Ferrari badge and Italian colours. It felt like it was going to be quite clingy and short to just about above our knees. "why can't we wear these all the time?!" Sophia commented as she touched the fabric. "I know right... Ooh they've given us vests and some new trainers too!" I carried on rummaging. "I can't wait to wear these tomorrow" I beamed. "yeah well, let's get some sleep, we're in for a boring day in the office." Soph yawned at me. I hummed in defeat and joined her in putting out new clothing to one side before flopping down onto our respective beds. Neither one of us caring about needing to shower.


"These really aren't very forgiving are they?" Soph said, as we checked our reflections in the mirror inside the lift the next morning. "I know," I said, turning to see my bum, "but I doubt Seb would have any objections" I smirked, making Soph blush as red as the dress she wore. I myself had opted for the black one today. "hmm, shame he's not here to show it off to" she sighed, making me giggle. "besides I doubt Kimi would object either, I saw the way he looked at you last night. He looked about ready to devour you"  she giggled, making me blush. "I dunno, we sorta left things a bit awkward last night." I said, turning to face the mirror once more. "I just have a feeling he'll get bored and be over it." I added, my mood seemed to be dropping low from when I got up this morning. The ping of the lift disturbed me from my saddened thoughts.

"uh yeah, he sure looks over it..." Soph sniggered at me. "what?" I frowned, looking to her. She was staring out of the lift and out into the lobby area. My eyes scanned the area til my eyes met the sight of a certain German, beaming like a Cheshire cat our way. And Kimi, well Kimi was on his phone, probably reading news on his favourite ice hockey team, when he got a nudge from Seb and looked up, giving me a double take.

"His day has just got a whole lot better" she said to me behind the beaming smile she was giving Seb. I couldn't help but blush at what she said, as I looked back at Kimi who was watching me walk over to him. "what are you guys doing here?!" Soph exclaimed as we reached them. "we thought we'd head out for a little break before training again. And where better than Italia" Seb beamed as he gave Sophia a hug. "then the boss heard we were heading out here, so he decided to provide us with a little work for a few days"  he added. "so we decided to meet you girls here and escort you to the factory" he explained. Soph replied with a ridiculous squeak beaming up at Seb who was laughing at her. I on the other hand hadn't even said hello to Kimi yet, although I could feel his eyes hadn't left me once yet. But thinking about that too much would make me nervous...

We all then headed out of the hotel, our heels clicking on the tiled floor, Seb looked round to me, walking beside Kimi behind the two love birds, "so the new outfits?" he said, glancing cheekily at Kimi, "looking good" he said, giving me and Soph that boyish smile of his. I laughed, "right Kimi?" he teased his team mate, "uhh...." Kimi began to mumble, but before he could say anything that would make this scenario any more awkward, I saw the car we were heading out in, "oohhh" I cooed over it, however there was only room for two...

"Guess we'll see you guys at the factory" Seb grinned noticing too. I sighed, seeing him open the door to the silver Ferrari. I frowned in disappointment, "sorry Bella, I picked this beautiful creature" he smiled at me, "you get to go with Kimi" he winked at me, making me increasingly nervous. I looked back at Seb, who smiled and nodded to my left. I looked over and saw Kimi leaning on the open door of a bright red Ferrari FXX K. My heart began to race as my favourite car was sitting right in front of me. I left Seb and soph standing there and I raced over to the car in my scarily high heels. I squeaked with joy as I joined Kimi at the passenger side. "you drive" he said, with a rare smile. "what?!" I gasped, "get in" he said, then throwing me the key. I grabbed it and without another word, I ran round to the drivers side and climbed in.

"Oh my god" I sighed as I slipped into the car's cool black interior. The leather seats were a cool contrast to the sticky heat outside. And the smell of the interior was erotic. That mixed with the crisp masculine smell of Kimi's cologne as he took the seat to my right and closed the door. I must have had a very amusing look on my face cause Kimi began chuckling at me, "let's go" he said, throwing his hand forward. I didn't need telling twice.

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