Chapter 1

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"Ugh! Faster!" Jimin grunted loudly to Taehyung. "I'm going as fast as I can you asswhole!" Taehyung grunted back, holding Jimin's waist tighter to help him thrust even faster. While Taehyung was thrusting in Jimin, Jimin flipped Taehyung making them switch positions. Now he's on top. "Geez! I'll top! I'm better than you anyways" He smirked. He got off the bed grabbing a vibrator, handcuffs, and a blindfold. He then put the blindfold on Taehyung and also the handcuffs, one on Taehyung wrist, one on the frame of the bed's headboard. "U ready?" Jimin asked while rubbing Taehyung's cock, Taehyung nodded as a response. Jimin grabbed the vibrator and set it on the highest setting putting it inside Taehyung's, making him gasp. "Shit!" Taehyung cursed. "FUCK YOU PARK JIMIN! UGH!" He cursed again bending his back because of the intense pleasure. "If you keep moving or maybe trying to shake it off, it'll only move in deeper" Jimin smirked. "I THOUGHT YOU'LL TOP?! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU CALL THIS HUH?!" He complained. "Obviously a punishment" Jimin chuckled. "REMOVE THIS mmm- PIECE OF SHIT RIGHT NOW AND JUST BANG ME! Mmm Urgh!" He said between his moans while bending his back again, higher this time. "Enjoy your punishment babe" Jimin smirked, putting on his on clothes and walked out, leaving Taehyung inside the room with the vibrator still in him. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! AHH!!" He shouted on the top of his lungs, reaching his climax.


Okay! Today is the first day of school! I can't believe that I'm already in college! I'm a very shy kid though. I don't think I'm gonna make any friends. While I'm walking through the corridors, I continued to look for my dorm room. Room 140, Room 141, Room 142... Room 143! Finally! I found my room! I knocked on the door, but no one opened the door. I slowly turned the door knob, and what I saw made my jaw dropped. A guy with no clothes on wearing a blindfold with a handcuff attached on his wrist while screaming and bending his back high. "WHO'S THERE?! Urgh!" The guy asked me, umm shouted? His scream made me shiver. "H-hi. I'm J-Jungkook. Am I b-bothering you or something?" I stuttered while covering my eyes. "Help me please! Remove the fucking vibrator inside me!" The guy requested. Wait... A VIBRATOR?! "W-what?!" I exclaimed. "Just remove it! Mmhm!" He moaned. I approached him and took the vibrator. He sighed in relief. "Please remove the blindfold and handcuffs please" He panted, catching his breath. I did what he said. He put on his clothes and faced me. "What's your name again?" He asked. "J-Jungkook. And you are?" I stuttered. "Taehyung. But you can call me V if you want." He said and left the room.


A/N: Hey Armys! So just like what I said, the chapters won't be that long, I'm sorry for that. I'm just a beginner okay?^-^ And I'm just not in the mood due to personal problems. I just forced myself to post a chapter just to mention about Jungkook's graduation ^//^. I'll try to make them longer next time, hopefully. 

I just wanna say that I'm so proud of our dear Jeon Jungkook for graduating! ^o^

I just wanna say that I'm so proud of our dear Jeon Jungkook for graduating! ^o^

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Look how happy he is! <3

And of course, his hyungs are always there to support him!

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And of course, his hyungs are always there to support him!

That's all I want to say! Thank you!


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