Chapter 35

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"Taehyung!" All of them screamed in horror. Yoongi glared at Mr. Park and shot him 3 times.

"Hope you rot in hell" Yoongi spat, the police barging in afterwards. Yoongi helped us to cut the ropes. As soon as Jungkook was free, he rushed towards me and cried.

"T-Tae! W-Why did y-you do t-that?" He sobbed as he caressed my face softly.

I was about to speak but darkness took over me.


"Tae? Tae! Wake up!" I sobbed as I shook his body repeatedly. Some nurses took him and put him on a stretcher and took him in to the ambulance.

"One of you, please come with us" One nurse said as I volunteered.

We rushed to the hospital and they quickly took him to the ER as I waited outside, praying so hard for him to stay alive.

"Oh, Jungkook, is that you?" A familiar voice asked as I looked up to see who it was.

"O-Oh, good evening, Mrs. Lee" I greeted my mom's doctor and bowed respectfully.

"Good evening too, Jungkook. What are you doing here by the way? And are you okay? Why are you crying?" She asked worriedly.

"M-My friend is in t-the ER r-right now" I stuttered out, biting my bottom lip to prevent my tears from falling.

"Oh my. Um, would you like to pay a visit to your mom? It's been a while since you last visited her" She smiled warmly.

"I-Is she awake n-now?" I asked, hope lacing in my voice.

"Sadly, no. But who knows, she might wake up as soon as you visit her" She smiled and left. I sighed sadly and walked down the hallway, stopping infront of my mom's room. I knocked softly and peeked through the door before entering the room fully.

I sat down next to her bed and held her hand.

"H-Hi mom. I'm sorry for not visiting you for a while. A lot of things happened and it's hurting me. But if you wake up right now, it will be a delight for me" I smiled sadly before crying softly, sleep taking over me soon.


I felt a familiar hand caressing my face softly, causing me to open my eyes slightly.

"Good morning, sweetie" A voice said which made my heart feel warm.

"Good morning, mom" I greeted back, smiling. Realization hit me as I opened my eyes fully and looked at my mom with teary eyes.

"M-Mom" I sobbed and carefully hugged her.

"Shh, it's okay dear. Mommy's here" She comforted as she also shed a few tears.

"My baby grew up so fast, you were so little when I last saw you" She chuckled as she wiped her tears away.

"I heard what you said last night. Would you mind telling me what happened to you after that night?" She asked as I nodded and told her everything that happened after the incident years ago, including the events that happened between me and Taehyung. She gasped at some parts and she got sad after I told her that I ran away from my friends and about the whole Mr. Park thing.

"I'm glad that you're okay now. And about that Taehyung guy... Is he okay now?" She asked.

"Oh I forgot! Can you wait for a little while, mom? I just need to ask the doctor about him" I said as she nodded.

I rushed out of the room, almost tripping, and luckily I saw the doctor that treated Taehyung last night.

"Sir! Is my friend okay?! You know um, Kim Taehyung?" I said too quickly, but atleast he understood what I said. He checked his clipboard for a minute before looking at me with sad eyes and spoke.

"I'm sorry, sir... But apparently,
He didn't make it"


A/N: Okay, so I decided to update today before doing school works, because hey, why not? 😂

And I apologize for the ending of this chapter 😂✌️


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