Chapter 43

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"You're mine now" He growled lowly on my ear, causing me to whimper softly and moan a little bit.

Suddenly, I felt scared. I'm still a virgin...

Jungkook got out of the car and went to my side before lifting me up bridal style towards our new house. He looked at me and got worried as soon as he saw how frightened I looked.

"Don't worry, Tae. I won't fuck you.. I'm gonna make love with you and make sure not to hurt you" He assured which got me a little relieved.
He walked us towards our bedroom and carefully laid me down on the bed. He took off our shoes and hovered over me. He didn't move, but he just stared at me while caressing my cheek as I leaned into his touch.

"You're so beautiful" He whispered softly before slowly leaning down and captured my lips in to a soft kiss.

No lust, just pure love.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands started to roam my body gently as if he was holding something so fragile. He then pulled away and leaned closer to my neck before leaving soft, wet kisses. He sucked on a certain spot gently which caused me to moan lowly as I tilted my head a little bit to the side to give him more access.

His hands found their way on my back as he slowly unzipped the zipper of my dress and took it off with my assisstance, leaving me only with my boxers.

"K-Kookie" I whimpered as I tugged on his shirt, hoping he would get what I meant. He then nodded and removed his tuxedo and polo shirt in a swift movement before leaving a trail of wet kisses from my chest down to my stomach. He then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants before removing it entirely, leaving him with his boxers as well.

His hands gripped the hem of my boxers as he looked at me.

"Can I?" He asked softly as I nodded and smiled at him.

'I really am lucky to have him' I thought to myself and smiled.

He slowly removed my boxers as I tried my best to cover my member.

"Don't" He whispered as he lifted and pinned my arms above my head gently with one hand.

My cheeks are now tinted pink as I tried my best to keep my legs together, which he noticed. He leaned down towards my erection and kissed the tip of it softly, causing me to arch my back and moan, my hands turning into a fist.

He stood up, causing me to whine as he took something from the drawer of the cabinet.

"What's that?" I asked curiously, tilting my head to the side.

"Lube" He smiled as he squirted some on his fingers before spreading my legs wider.

"It'll hurt at first, but I promise to be gentle" He said as I nodded and took a deep breath.

He then slowly inserted his middle finger in to my hole as I hissed at the pain. He thrusted his finger slowly before adding another one and then another, causing me to scream at the pain.

"I-It h-hurts" I whimpered as I sobbed softly. He wiped my tears away and pecked my lips before thrusting his fingers in and out of my hole. Soon, I was already moaning and I felt my orgasm nearing. He then pulled out his fingers, causing me to whine at the loss as he quickly removed his boxers and aligned his dick to my entrance before pushing it in slowly.

I gripped on to the bed sheet while squeezing my eyes shut at the pain and pleasure I'm feeling. He noticed my pained expression as he leaned down close to my face and kissed my lips to distract me from the pain before pushing all of his dick in. He paused to let me adjust to his size as I nodded to signal him to move.

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