Chapter 11

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"Hey, it's Saturday so why don't we bond to get to know more of each other? That way, we'd be more comfortable around each other more" I said as I waited for his answer.

"H-huh? U-uhh" He stuttered as he played with his fingers.

"Please?" I said, using my puppy eyes. 'You better say yes, I just fucking used my puppy eyes charm which I haven't done for a long time' I thought to myself.

"O-okay" He smiled as he stood up and grabbed a towel.

"It's a date then... Don't worry, it's just a friendly date" I smiled and laid down on the bed, taking out my phone to read some....... stuff. (A/N: I assume you already know what kind of stuff it is 😉)


I went inside the bathroom and started to remove my clothes. I turned on the shower and started doing my routine. I then suddenly imagined Taehyung taking a bath with me which made me blush. 'No! Bad Kookie! You should not think like that! TaeTae might hate you!' I said to myself and continued playing with the bubbles in the bathtub.

He may be 15, but he still have a childish brain.


"Shit" I cursed as I felt my pants tightening. This was a bad idea. Reading some shits while an innocent fetus is in the bad bathroom, while I have a problem near my abdominal area. I quickly stood up and rushed towards the bathroom door. I knocked repeatedly on the door, yelling.

"Jungkook! Are you almost done? If not, please hurry up! I.... I need to use the bathroom too you know!" I lied as I slapped myself mentally.

"Wait! I'm almost done!" He yelled back as I heard the shower turned off. Once he opened the door, seeing him just wearing a towel like how girls wear them and his hair wet just made my problem even worse. I saw him blushed when he caught me staring at him. I snapped back to reality and rushed in to the bathroom, shutting the door quickly. I turned on the shower and quickly pulled down my pants, followed by my boxers. Once my boxers were down, my erection sprung out quickly. I grabbed my dick and started pumping it, slowly at first. I took out my phone and started reading it again. As I imagined the scenarios, I already feel horny and needy. I fasten the pace of my hand, precums already spilling out. I moaned louder than I thought, but atleast the noise of the water hitting the floor is loud enough. Then suddenly, Jungkook popped in my mind, making me hornier.

"J-Jungk-kook" I moaned, my voice cracking.


As I opened the bathroom door, Taehyung stared at me, making me blush. When he saw me blushing, he quickly rushed in to the bathroom. I then looked for something appropriate to wear for our 'friendly date'.

After dressing up quickly, I heard some noises coming from the bathroom

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After dressing up quickly, I heard some noises coming from the bathroom. I then slowly approached the door, resting my ear on the door.

"Ngh.. Mhm.. Uhh.. J-Jungk-kook" I heard Taehyung said, making my eyes widen. 'Is he okay? Why did he say my name? Does he need help?!' I thought to myself, making me worried and panicked. I then knocked on the door repeatedly, yelling.

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