Chapter 8

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"You're gay too?!" They both exclaimed together with Jimin-hyung. Oh no. Now they know! Just great!

"U-umm.. I mean.. Uhh.. Err.. No? Maybe?" Okay. I don't know what to say right now.

"Come on Kookie, tell the truth" Jimin-hyung said which made me sigh in defeat.

"Arasseo. Y-yes, I'm gay" I admitted as I looked at them feeling ashamed.

"Aww don't worry baby! Majority of the boys at school are gays! Including me, Namjoonie, Taehyung, and Jimin!" Jin, I mean, eomma said which made me feel relieved. Right, Taehyung is gay too. So wait, Jimin is gay too?

"Jimin-hyung, you're gay too?" I asked him.

"Yeah" He chuckled, blushing slightly.

"Oh! ChimChim! Did you saw Jungkookie danced awhile ago?" Namjoon-hyung asked Jimin while wrapping his arm around eomma's shoulder.

"Ani. Woah, Jungkookie, how come you didn't tell me that you dance? Come on, show me your talent" He smiled which made me blush.

"A-arasseo, but this time.. Uhh.. I'll do a g-girl group dance. Will that be okay?" I stuttered as their eyes widen.

"You can?!" They all asked in sync. I nodded as I heard them gasp in amazement.

"What are you waiting for? Do it!" Eomma said excitedly, clinging on to Namjoon-hyung. I took out my phone and click on another music. I stood up properly as all of them sat down quietly, waiting for me to start. I took a deep breath and began to dance as the music began to play. Before I even begin, we heard a familiar voice.

"Wait!! Did I heard girl group dance?! Can I join you?!" Hobi-hyung asked, his eyes sparkling. "Sure hyung" I chuckled as I repeated the music. We stood properly and we started dancing as the music began playing.

As the music ended, all of us started laughing.

"Wow! Daebak!" Jimin-hyung said while chuckling, falling to the floor which made us laugh louder.


"Hoseokie! You just came running here upon hearing Jungkook saying girl group dance" I chuckled, but soon stopped, realizing that my hyungs don't know who he is.

"Oh, right! Hyungs, this is Jhope, a new friend of mine" I smiled as I introduced him to them. "Hello! I'm your hope, I'm your angel, Jhope! My name is Jung Hoseok, but you can call me Jhope, Hobi or Hoseok" He smiled as he bowed infront of them. My hyungs stood up and smiled back as they bowed infront of Jhope.

"Nice to meet you Jhope. I'm Namjoon, and this is Jin" Namjoon-hyung introduced as Jhope just smiled widely.

"Why don't we enjoy the party? Come on guys" Namjoon-hyung said as we all nodded our heads and separated. Oh my gosh! Jungkook! He's new to this!

"Kookie!" I yelled as looked for him. Luckily, I saw him sitting quietly on one of couch. I approached him and held his shoulder which made his eyes widened.

"Hey Kookie! I just remembered you're new to this. I'll join you if you want" I smiled warmly.

"N-no need hyung. I don't want you to miss the fun. I can take care of myself" He smiled.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt" I said worriedly, looking at him.

"N-ne" He smiled as he hugged me.

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