Chapter 27

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/Next Day/

"Where could he be?" Jin asked to no one, worry lacing to his voice.

"I'm sure we'll be able to find him soon" Namjoon comforted him while hugging him.

"This is all my fault" Yoongi groaned in frustation, covering his face with his hands.

"It's not your fault, hyung" Jungkook comforted him as well while the others just stood there quietly, trying to think.

"Okay, so here's the plan..." Namjoon started as they huddled closer to one another, forming a small circle.



"Are you really that weak? Wake up!" An unfamiliar voice yelled, waking me up, groaning.

"W-Who are y-you?" I asked while my body trembled in fear as tears started to form in my eyes. He didn't respond, instead, he opened the door as he spoke to someone. After a few seconds, a man with a face mask on soon entered the room.

"Hello.... my son" The man greeted me as he removed his face mask, earning a gasp from me.

"D-Dad?" I asked in fear as tears began to fall out of my eyes.

"I'm glad that you still remember me" He chuckled as he approached me and crouched down on to my level. He lifted my chin up using his index finger and spoke.

"From now on, you'll suffer. I won't feed you that much. I would like to see you get thinner and weaker as time pass by" He grinned as he ruffled my hair and exited the room.

"M-My friends, please h-help me" I whispered to myself as I continued to sob quietly.

(Im Jaebum)

After Namjoon told the plan, we went back to our own rooms and rested. Once I finally flopped down on to my bed, my phone vibrated, meaning I received a new message. I then took out my phone, almost dropping it once I saw who texted me.

Jaebum! Please help me! I was able to escape but I think he's still following me! Please come pick me up at the park, I'm nearly there.

My eyes widened as I quickly stood up and rushed out of the dormitory. As soon as I arrived there, I saw Jimin kneeling on the floor while crying. I quickly ran towards him, but I was stopped by a strong grip on my arms.

"Jimin!" I yelled while trying to get out of the man's grip.

"J-Jaebum" He choked out as he continued to cry. Soon, a scented handkerchief covered my nose, knocking me out.


A/N: Well that was short 😂 I really have no idea what I'm doing with this story 😂 I (J)hope you enjoyed though 😅


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