Chapter 9

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"Hey Kookie! I just remembered you're new to this. I'll join you if you want" He smiled warmly.

"N-no need hyung. I don't want you to miss the fun. I can take care of myself" I smiled.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt" He said worriedly, looking at me.

"N-ne" I smiled as I hugged him.

"Arasseo" He said as he hugged me back, and pulled away. He looked at me one last time and smiled, as he walked away.

Okay.. Umm... What do I do now? I can't just sit here doing nothing. Maybe I'll just stroll around? Yeah that's it. I stood up and started walking. While I'm walking, I saw people crowding which got me curious what was happening.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" They all screamed. Fight? I tried to get in to the crowd getting the opportunity to get a little peek of the ones who are fighting. Wait. I know that face. Taehyung! No no no. His mouth already dripping out blood. 'No. Please stop' I whispered to myself. Then suddenly, the guy above Taehyung punched him harder on the stomach, causing him to cough out more blood. I need to do something. Tears already formed in my eyes, seeing him getting hurt.

"Taehyung!!" I yelled as I pushed the rest of the people blocking my way and made my way to Taehyung as fast as I can. As the guy was about to hit him again on the stomach, I quickly blocked it by hovering over Taehyung. His fist hit my back, causing me to flinch at the pain. His eyes widened and quickly stood up. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I continued to flinch.


"Taehyung!!" Someone yelled as he made his way to me as fast as he can. As the hoe above me was about to hit me, that someone quickly hovered over me. Once the hoe accidentally hit the someone, he flinch at the pain and tears started streaming down his cheeks. My vision got clearer, seeing Jungkook on top of me, crying. My eyes widened and soon darkened because of anger. I slowly removed Jungkook off me and quickly stood up and glared at the hoe. His eyes were still in shock after what he did, which gave me the opportunity to beat the crap out of him. "You son of a bitch! Look at what you've done!" I yelled while punching him harshly. He became weaker and started to choke out blood and lost his conscience. I then stood up and rushed towards Jungkook who is still on the floor, crying.
"Jungkook! Are you okay? Why did you do that?!" I asked, feeling worried and panicked at the same time.
"H-hyung. It h-hurts" He cried out. My heart ached at the sight I'm seeing.
"Let's get out of here" I said as I picked him up and carried him bridal style. He wrapped his arms around my neck and snuggled closer to me, blushing.
"Anyways, thank you for trying to protect me back there" I said, breaking the silence.
"T-that's n-nothing hyung" He said as he flinched again.
"Why did you have to do it? Look at you, you're hurt" I said worriedly.
"B-because I care for you h-hyung" He said, blushing. I, myself, blushed too at what he said. He cares for me? But we just met a few days ago. Could it be because-- I need to know. I was about to speak but he suddenly spoke up.
" I k-know what y-you're thinking. A-and you're right. W-we just m-met a few days ago, but it's j-just that.. Uhh.. I'm a caring person" He smiled, looking nervous as fuck.
"Hyung p-please forgive m-me" He apologized.
" Why are you apologizing? What are you apologizing for?" I asked.
"F-for t-this" He stuttered as he started to lean closer to my face.
"For wh--" I was cut off as our lips connected. My eyes widened but closed them sooner because of the softness his lips have. I couldn't control myself, my mouth started to move which signaled him to move his as well. I held him tighter as I deepened the kiss. We pulled away to catch our breath. I saw him blushed and avoided to look at me. My eyes widened as I realized what just happened, causing me to blush as well.
A/N: Hey Armys! New UD here! It's not that long btw, mianhae :( And I noticed that the reads haven't increased that much yet :'( But it's okay.. So I just wanna say.. Belated Happy Birthday to our dearest Min Yoongi! Your Sugar's bias 😁

 Belated Happy Birthday to our dearest Min Yoongi! Your Sugar's bias 😁

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I noticed too that chapter 1 has the most number of votes

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I noticed too that chapter 1 has the most number of votes... Maybe it's because of the smut in there? Well if that's the case, I was wondering if you would want me to make a new book, which will be one-shot stories containing some fluffs or smuts (BTS members only sorry) So please comment your decision if you agree or not.. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!

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