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"I hate you!" Taehyung sobbed through the phone as I panicked.

"I'm almost there, Tae" I said before hanging up and drove faster towards our house, but not too fast of course.

"I'm home!" I panted while catching my breath. Soon, a crying Taehyung came running towards the living room and whined on my chest.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked worriedly. He looked at me with teary eyes before speaking.

"I'm craving for red velvet cake with ketchup, but we don't even have red velvet cake!" He pouted as I stared at him in disgust.

'Cravings, of course' I thought to myself and sighed.

"But Tae, the pastry shop is a bit far from here" I sighed, causing him to cry even harder while hitting my chest weakly.

"We're here! And we brought red velvet cake with us!" We heard Jin-hyung's voice from outside, causing Taehyung to squeal and run towards the door.

I sighed in relief before welcoming them inside.

As Taehyung ran towards the kitchen while holding the box of red velvet cake, I turned to look at Jin before speaking.

"Hyung, how did you know?" I questioned while tilting my head to the side, causing him to giggle.

"Whenever you're not around, he always craves for red velvet cake with ketchup. We also often bring our daughter with us so Taehyung can play with her" He smiled before taking out his phone and showed me a selca of Taehyung with baby Jinhee.

"How cute~" I cooed before returning his phone

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"How cute~" I cooed before returning his phone.

"Better prepare for his mood swings, I still remember how Namjoon was so patient with my mood swings, I hope you too will be patient for Tae" He smiled before patting my back and walked towards Taehyung.


"Kookieeee~ Come home and cuddle with meeee~" Taehyung whined through the phone as I sighed.

"Tae, I'm at work. I'll just cuddle with you once I get home" I sighed as I heard sniffles on the other line.

"Y-You don't l-love me a-anym-more!" He sobbed as I panicked once again.

"No no no, that's not true. You know very well that I love you. I just can't leave work, I might get fired. I already left work so many times just to go home for you" I sighed.

"Oh, so now it's my fault?" He spat in anger.

"I didn't say that" I said while massaging my temples.

"I'm gonna file up a divorce with you, Jeon, if you don't come home right now and cuddle with me!" He yelled as I panicked.

I rushed out of the office and asked permission from my boss as he smiled.

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