Chapter 23

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"Nothing. I just wanted to know how would you react and I was horny since we're both still naked"  I smirked. Sadness then became evident in his eyes after hearing what I said, causing me to feel guilty. I was about to apologize but he then suddenly stood up and went in to the bathroom. I slapped myself mentally and cursed under my breath. I then took out my phone and dialed Jimin's number.

"Is he playing with my feelings?" I heard Taehyung sobbed as he tried to keep his voice down. After a few more rings, Jimin picked up.

"Hey Jungkook! Is there something wrong?" He asked, yawning right after.

"Hey hyung.. And yeah, something's wrong. Taehyung is now hurt because of my plan" I whispered, making sure that Taehyung won't hear me.

"Oh Jungkook.. I knew that this would happen" He sighed.

"If I were you, I will immediately stop the plan and just be happy with him" He said.

"Yeah.. I guess you're right. Thank you hyung" I sighed as I ended the call. Right after that, Taehyung went out of the bathroom. I then noticed his eyes we're red from crying, I clenched onto my chest where my heart is located as I felt even more guilty.

"H-Hey hyung.. Uhh.. I-I'm sorry" I stuttered as I looked down.

"It's okay" He said coldly, not even sparing a glance at me. I knew that because I tried to look at him. I then cleared my throat and spoke.

"A-Anyways, I'm h-heading out l-later to e-eat. Do y-you wanna j-join me?" I stuttered.

"No thanks.. I'll just eat later. I don't have the appetite right now" He said as I nodded my head. I then went in to the bathroom and took a quick shower before putting on some casual clothes. Before I left the room, I took a quick glance at Taehyung and just sighed. I then went to the usual pastry shop and ate. I decided to take a walk at the park and relax. While I was laying down on the grass, a little girl walked towards me and spoke.

"Hi there oppa! Can I please have your phone number? Pretty please?" She asked nicely as she pouted and showed me her puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I can't just give my phone number just like that" I apologized. Tears then started to form in her eyes, and fear then suddenly became evident in her eyes.

"No no no, please don't cry. Okay fine, I'll give you my phone number just don't cry, okay?" I said as she nodded her head aggressively. She then gave me a piece of paper and a pen as I wrote down my phone number on it.

"Here you go" I smiled as I handed her the paper and patted her head softly.

"Thank you so much oppa!" She said as she turned around. I then heard her mumble a soft 'mianhae oppa' before she started running in to a certain area, leaving me confused.


(3rd Person's POV)

"Were you able to get his phone number?" The man asked the little girl as she nodded her head, her body shaking because of fear and nervousness. 

"Good girl" The man smirked as he took the paper out of the little girl's grip. 

"Now go away. You did a great job" He said as he caressed the little girl's bruised cheek which was caused by him earlier. The little girl then hissed at the pain and nodded her head before she started running away as fast as she could, causing the man to chuckle a little bit.

"I finally saw you again... Jeon Jungkook" The man smirked.


A/N: Hey Armys! New UD here! I'm so sorry for not updating for more than 1 week >.< I kept on spending my time with my family these days so that's why I wasn't able to update 😅.. I hope you all understand.. And I'm also sorry for this short chapter.. This was supposed to be a little bit longer but I changed my mind because I have a reason.. But that's not important anymore.. I also want to say that.. THE BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS JAPANESE VERSION WAS SO GOOD! To those who haven't watched it yet, you should watch it now! 

And some of the theories I have read just a few hours ago was making my head hurt. I also have a theory of my own, but I copied some/half of it from the other theories I've read since they actually makes sense 😅. You should watch "Her Jams" theory video about the MV!

Anyways, happy 8.5K reads to us guys! Thank you again for all the reads, votes, and comments! That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!


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