Chapter 12

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A/N: Hey Armys! So I'm going to put a time skip in this chapter so that I can go right straight to the things I want to happen. I hope you understand and I hope you will be okay with it.


(Nobody's POV)

5 months already passed. It was already half of the school year, and in those 5 months, there were a little changes. Taehyung and Jungkook got more closer. NamJin are still together, J-hope and Jimin too got closer. Jimin noticed that he and Jungkook doesn't bond with each other that much anymore but still are close. VKook already forgave Jaebum for hurting them. Jimin got jealous with all the VKook moments he sees; Afterall, he likes Jungkook. Jungkook's feelings for Taehyung, well, it got deeper. But today, Jungkook's past is gonna be revealed.


*sigh* It's already the half-part of the school year, the school year where I met Jungkook and J-hope, the school year that made me feel happy and kind once again. I like Jungkook, yes that's true, but seeing him happy with Taehyung aches my heart. But as his friend, I will support him in anything that makes him happy. About the flashbacks, well I still suffer with all the nightmares and flashbacks, but thankfully both Jungkook and J-hope will cheer me up. Jaebum? Well, he's busy most of the time, but we still hangout. NamJin? Well, they're still those lovey dovey couples as usual.

"Jiminieeee!" Someone called me, which turned out to be J-hope.

"Hobi-hyung!" I yelled back as he greeted me with a hug which I gladly hugged back.

"Are you being a sad-sack again?" He chuckled. I punched him softly on the shoulders and pouted.

"Yah hyung! I'm not a sad sack!" I complained, trying to hold-in my laughter

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"Yah hyung! I'm not a sad sack!" I complained, trying to hold-in my laughter.

"Aigooo! You're so cute! You're like a baby! My baby Jiminieee" He cooed as he pinched my cheeks.

While, he's pinching my cheeks, someone smacked him on the head which made him let go of my cheeks and yell out in pain.

"Yah! Who said that he's your baby?! Just a quick reminder, he's my baby! Right Joonie?" Jin-hyung/eomma said while clinging onto Namjoon and left while holding hands. Ugh, couples. I just rolled my eyes and laughed at J-hope.


"Jungkookieeee!" Taehyung said as he hugged me from my back.

"Taehyungieee, where have you been? I was looking for you, you know" I pouted.

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