Chapter 34

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"Why do you look so calm? We've been suffering here for like, I don't know... 6 months?!"


"Eat up, rats" The man said and left us with another disgusting food.

"Hey Yoongs. You didn't answer my question"

"Don't worry. I got this under control" He smirked.

"Is that so?" Mr. Park smirked as well as he walked into the room we were in while holding a gun.

I then saw Yoongi checking his watch and chuckled lowly, his smirk grew wider.

"3... 2... 1-"

*Police sirens noise*

"This is the police! Put your weapons down and hands up!" One of the police yelled from outside.

Yoongi suddenly stood up which shocked all of us and suddenly took out a gun from his bag-wait... Isn't that Yoonji's bag?!

"Surprise, motherfucker" He smirked and pointed the gun at Mr. Park while his other hand was giving him the middle finger, causing Mr. Park to glare at him.

"Fuck you and your friends!" He shouted furiously and pointed his gun at the now scared Jungkook.

Fuck no.




A/N: Hi!~ I'm so sorry for not updating for more than a week >ˍ< I can't believe that exams will start next week (ಥ _ ಥ) I'm supposed to be doing school works rn, smh.

I love you guys so much~💕

I hope that my future works will be better 😐 I already have like 3-4 new story ideas 😂


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