Chapter 4

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After 2 hours of sleep, I woke up and fix myself. I went outside my room and looked for Jimin. I went to his room and knocked on the door, but no one answered. "Hey Jimin-hyung! You bastard! Open this door right now!" I yelled, but still no answer. I opened the door and was shocked to see Jimin and Jungkook hugging on the couch while sleeping. My blood boiled. No one should touch my property. "Yah! Jimin-ah! Wake up you bastard!" I yelled which made both of them wake up. "Why the fuck did you wake us up?!" Jimin yelled back, which made my eyes widened. "Why were you hugging each other while sleeping?!" I asked furiously. "M-mianhae hyung" Jungkook apologized which made me calm down. "Jungkook, will you explain for me?" I asked nicely. "Y-yes hyung" He agreed and walked out of the room with me, leaving Jimin on his couch. "So why were you hugging?" I asked calmly. "I s-saw him crying that's why I stayed with him to keep him company because I was w-worried" He explained. Jimin cried? Why? "Why did he cried?" I asked, still trying to keep calm. "I d-don't know. He didn't tell me because h-he said it was personal" He stuttered. "Okay, you can go now. I just need to talk to Jimin" I said. He nodded and walked away. I went inside Jimin's room again and sat on the couch next to him. "Why were you crying?" I asked worriedly. "So. He really told you" He chuckled. "Just answer me! I'm fucking worried you know!" I yelled which made his eyes widened. "Didn't he explained? It's personal" He said as he stood up and walked out of his room. Aish! That bastard making me stressed out! I should just go back to my room. As I walked to my room, I opened the door and was shocked to see Jungkook reading a book on my couch. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yelled. Oh shit. I should've calmed down. Afterall, he's innocent and nice? "I'm y-your dorm mate r-remember?" He said. Fuck, I forgot. "Right. I'm sorry" I apologized and went to the couch next to the long couch and rested.


"Right. I'm sorry" He apologized as he went to the couch next to this long couch and rested. I just stared him. He looks like an angel when he's asleep.

*dugdug dugdug* My heart is beating fast

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*dugdug dugdug* My heart is beating fast. Well, I can't do anything about it since I'm gay. Of course I will feel this. And then suddenly, I felt that my feet walked towards him. I just stood in front of him looking at his angelic face. I sat down next to him without looking away. He may look like an angel, but sometimes he's just hot-blooded. And then I held his face adoring his handsome looks. "You look like an angel" I whispered under my breath.


I felt a hand touching my face. "You look like an angel" A familiar voice whispered. Jungkook. It made my heart beat fast. That's the first time I heard someone said that. But sadly, I like Jimin. What if Jungkook will like me? Fuck, he shouldn't. I don't want to hurt such a little innocent person, but I like someone else. And I felt that his hand was not touching my face anymore which made me open my eyes. He's asleep. I should just hug him. I still want to be nice that's all. And then finally I fell asleep while hugging him.

 And then finally I fell asleep while hugging him

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Why the fuck is he curious? He's not even my boyfriend. I don't like him. He's just my sex mate that's all. I just use him for pleasure, and he should know that. I just went outside the dormitory even though it's already night time, just to feel the cold and fresh breeze. It feels nice. Wait. I already did this before. No no no! No more flashbacks! But even if I try, the flashbacks still went to my mind. It feels nice to be outside feeling the cold and fresh breeze. No one to hurt me. I feel good. My problem is that I always need to wear thick clothes just to cover all the wounds around my body. Wounds that were caused by my father. He didn't even showed a single act of love to me. That fact hurts me. "Jimin! Where the fuck are you?!" Oh no. It's my father, he's drunk again. I ran away and hid behind a big tree. I felt a strong grip on my wrist which I know is my father's which made me scared. "Running away and hiding is such a bad thing to do" He said as he dragged me inside our house. He always do this. Whenever he's drunk, he will look for me just to beat me up for entertainment. "Strip" He commanded which made me shocked. This is new. "W-what?!" I yelled. Oh no, he's gonna get mad. "You heard me right? Now strip all of your clothes and lay down on my bed!" I quickly followed his command because I know that he will beat me up if I didn't follow him. As I lay down on his bed while naked, he also strip all of his clothes, making my eyes widened. He quickly crawled on the bed and locked his lips into mine which made my eyes widened even more. He stopped kissing me and slapped me so hard. "Why are you not responding to my kiss?! You better respond or else I'll beat you up you bastard!" He yelled as I quickly nodded. He started to kiss me roughly while I responded with tears forming in the corner of my eyes. He's hand roamed around my body, and then he reached my private making gasp which made him sucked my tongue. Without a warning he pushed in his private in me making cry because of the pain. I'm still a virgin, but I don't think I'm still one after this. "Fuck! So tight!" He yelled as he moved faster. While thrusting, he held my private started to move his hand up and down making me moan. "That's right. Moan for me" He said as he thrusted faster and ejaculated my private even more. "Mhmm" I moaned loudly. I don't want this. He's abusing me. "Ride me" He commanded as we switched positions. I started to move as fast as I can to make sure I'm giving him enough pleasure. We both cummed at the same time, and he licked all of it and kissed me again making me taste our cum. "I'm leaving this house for good. I don't want you to be around me anymore, you lil shit" He said as he put on his clothes and started to pack his things. He went outside, and went straight to his car leaving me inside our house. As soon as he left, I started to break down with loud sobs. He touched me. And that's how my virginity got took. It hurts. The fact that my dad is bisexual making him touch his own son. I wish I never have been born. What did I even do to deserve this? I felt some tears streaming down on my cheeks. I cried again. Why? Just why? Why is my life horrible? I hate those flashbacks. Fuck those piece of shits, making me cry every time I remember them. "Sir! Oh my gosh are you okay?!" A guy who I don't know asked me. I can't hold back my tears anymore, instead of responding, I let myself cried. "What are you doing outside during night time? I was just about to head inside the dormitory but then I saw you crying!" The guy said with a worried look on his face. "Come on. Let's go inside, it's cold out here" He said, I just nodded and went inside the dormitory with him. "May I know what's your name?" I asked.


A/N: Oops! Cliffhanger haha! Hey Armys! I'm sorry I didn't update last night, I fell asleep while trying to do this chapter. Well don't worry about this cliffhanger, because....... I'm gonna update later too! Yeyy! Double update in one day! And btw, have you seen the MV teasers?! Oh gosh BigHit is turning us into detectives! Comeback is in 2 days which got me really excited! So I hope you enjoy your day Armys!


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