Chapter 37

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"Sir, may I know the room number of Kim Taehyung?" I asked the doctor from yesterday as he nodded.

"Room 123" He smiled as I thanked him before walking towards the elevator and pressed 3.

As I arrived there, I quietly entered his room and sat near his bed. I held his hand and kissed it softly before looking at him sadly.

"Hey, hyung. Don't worry, K-Kookie's here. P-Please wake up" I said as I let my tears fall down. I stared at his angelic face and down to his pinkish lips.

"If I will be unconscious, I want to be kissed by my lover so I can wake up! Just like in those Disney movies" He giggled.

"You're so childish, hyung" I chuckled.

What if...

I stared at his lips once again and started to lean down slowly. I closed my eyes before placing my lips onto his. I cupped his cheeks as a tear fell down my cheek.

Please wake up, hyung.

I pulled at his hair lightly and kissed him harder.


I quickly pulled away and stared at him in shock. His eyes were still closed. I swear I heard him moan.

His lips then suddenly curved upwards as he smiled and giggled. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Kookie..." He smiled. Tears started to stream down my cheeks as I quickly engulfed him in to a hug.

"Worried that much?" He chuckled as he hugged me back.

"I-I should be the one on a hospital bed, not you" I cried.

"Shh, don't say that. You've been through so much pain already, I don't want to lose you again" He smiled.

I smiled back as I stood up and went to call a nurse.


"Is he allowed to stand up and walk? I mean, he just woke up" I asked the nurse as he nodded. I thanked him before walking towards Taehyung.

"Hyung, I would like you to meet my mom. Her room is on the second floor" I said as he nodded in agreement. I helped him to stand up and we made our way towards the elevator.

As we arrived there, my mom immediately smiled at us.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Jeon" Taehyung greeted my mom and bowed respectfully.

"Good afternoon to you too. You must be Taehyung. Jungkook told me so much about you" She smiled as he nodded.

"When's the wedding?" She giggled. We both faked cough as I scratched my nape awkwardly.

"Mom, we're not together... yet" I said through gritted teeth, whispering the last word. She heard me and smirked.

"Okay okay" She said in defeat before giggling once again. She's still the same.

I smiled at her as we approached her bed and sat down near it. They started talking to each other as I smiled, I yawned before laying my head down on her bed before sleep took over me.

(3rd Person's POV)

"Promise me that you'll make him happy just as much as he makes you happy" Mrs. Jeon said to Taehyung while looking down at the sleeping Jungkook.

"I promise, Mrs. Jeon" Taehyung smiled as he also stared at the sleeping figure beside him.


A/N: If I would write another story, which is not matured content, will you still be with me? But it is possible to have atleast 1-2 chapters with smut.
Just asking ;-;


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