Chapter 7

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I woke up feeling my arm wrapped around on someone's waist which made my eyes widened. Taehyung. Wait, I'm hugging Taehyung! Oh gosh no no no. I check what time it is, and it's 7 pm already! I need to get ready for the party! I gently removed my arm off his waist and slowly got off the bed and dashed into the bathroom. I took a quick bath and wrapped a towel around my waist. I got out of the bathroom seeing Taehyung still sleeping. Maybe he's not going to the party. Speaking of the party, what time is it already? 7:05 pm. Wait.. What am I going to wear?! I walked towards my cabinet where all of my clothes are and looked for something appropriate to wear. Should I wear something that will make me look fine or hot? Well, since I'm not the type of person who likes to wear something making myself look hot, I'm just gonna wear something that looks fine, but I still need to look cool. I picked an attire which fits for hiphop since it looks fine for me. I quickly wore it and wore my shoes afterwards. I stood up from my seat and walk towards the mirror and fixed my hair a little and also my look, not forgetting to wear a gold-colored necklace.

 I stood up from my seat and walk towards the mirror and fixed my hair a little and also my look, not forgetting to wear a gold-colored necklace

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Hmm.. I look fine already! Let me just check what is it. 7:25 pm. 5 more minutes before Jimin arrives! What can I do rather than waiting while doing nothing? Hmm... Aha! I'll just sing quietly but I should make sure that I won't wake Taehyung up.

(Paper Hearts)

Remember the way you made me feel

Such young love but

Something in me knew that it was real

Frozen in my head

Pictures I'm living through for now

Trying to remember all the good times

Our life was cutting through so loud

Memories are playing in my dull mind

I hate this part paper hearts

And I'll hold a piece of yours

Don't think I would just forget about it

Hoping that you won't forget about it

Everything is gray under these skies

Wet mascara

Hiding every cloud under a smile

When there's cameras

And I just can't reach out to tell you

That I always wonder what you're up to

Pictures I'm living through for now

Trying to remember all the good times

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