Chapter 22

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As soon as I got home, I got out of my car and went inside.

"Hey mom" I greeted my mom as I kissed her cheek. It actually became a habit for me and Yoongi to greet our parents with a kiss on the cheek. Why? Back when me and Yoongi were just little kids, we once cried for a few hours because we thought our parents left us since we woke up not seeing them almost the whole day.


I woke up and smiled, hugging my older twin brother, Yoongi. I then checked the time, seeing that it was 8 am in the morning. I then got on top of him and showered his face with kisses to wake him up. As soon as he woke up, he then smiled, causing me to giggle as he began tickling me. 

"Come on oppa! It's already 8 am! It's breakfast time!" I squealed. As soon as he heard the word 'breakfast', he quickly got off me and ran towards the kitchen, causing me to giggle. I then got off the bed and ran towards the kitchen, only to see no food on the table.

"Oppa, why is there no food on the table? And where are mom and dad?" I asked in confusion. 

"I don't know" He said sadly as he walked towards the fridge and took out a carton of milk. He then walked towards the cupboards and took out a box of our favorite cereal as he put them down on the table. We both got our bowls and put some cereal and milk in them and began eating. We stayed silent the whole morning. As soon as noon came, I then got more worried as I kept on wondering where are our parents.

"Oppa, I'm getting worried. I.. I'm s-scared" I said worriedly as tears began forming in my eyes. His eyes then widened as he quickly walked towards me, pulling me into a hug. I then broke down into tears while he continued ushering comforting words as he tried to hold back his own tears. After a few minutes, I finally calmed down and fell asleep in his embrace.

/Night time/

I woke up, seeing Yoongi hugging me tightly, causing me to smile. He then opened his eyes slowly and smiled at me warmly.

"A-Are mom and dad home yet?" I said softly with a sleepy voice. Sadness was evident in his eyes as he began to tear up. He then faced the other side and cried softly and quietly, causing my heart to ache. I then scooted closer to him and hugged him tightly from his back as I began to shed a few tears.

"O-Oppa, don't c-cry" I sobbed as he faced and hugged me tightly. We then cried in each other's embrace. Then suddenly, our bedroom door opened, revealing our parents. As soon as they saw us, they quickly walked towards us, pulling us into a hug.

"W-Where have y-you been? W-We were w-worried!" I sobbed as our father continued to usher comforting words.

"We left early in the morning because my sister was rushed to the hospital" Our mother said as we started to calm down a little bit.

"We're sorry for leaving the two of you alone" Our mother said as she kissed both of our foreheads.

"It's okay mom" We said in unison as we kissed both of our mother and father's cheeks.

/End of Flashback/

"Are you listening? I said where have you been?" My mom asked, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"I just hanged-out with someone to make him feel better" I smiled as I rushed upstairs to my shared bedroom with Yoongi.

"I missed you bed!" I yelled as I flopped down on my bed.

"Where were you?" Yoongi asked while scrolling through his phone on his bed.

"Mall" I simply said.

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