Chapter 3

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"Why?! What did I even do?!" I whined. "You didn't please me enough a while ago! You should learn your lesson young man" He said as he dragged me back to my room. While he was dragging me, I finally managed to be free from his grip and ran away. I stopped running after I made a right turn. While I was standing and catching my breath, I heard him curse which made me peek at him, seeing him shocked while looking at someone he bumped in to. He helped that person which made my jaw dropped a little because of his action. I never saw him acted nice after years past. But my jaw dropped more when I saw the person he bumped in to. It's that Jungkook guy who helped me. I saw them walking away while their hands are intertwined. Fuck. Don't tell me that Jimin is being a flirt. I followed them quietly. I entered the sweet shop after I saw them walked in. I quickly walked and sat near the table where Jungkook was seating. I watched him looking out the window, looking as innocent as ever. *dugdug dugdug* What the fuck? Why is my heart pounding like this? No no no! As I saw Jimin walked towards Jungkook while holding their orders, I quickly hid my face so that they wouldn't see me. They started eating, and then suddenly.. "Mmm! It tastes so good!" Jungkook said with a wide smile on his face. He has a cute bunny smile. My smile faded as I saw Jimin smiled too while watching Jungkook enjoying his food. After finishing their food, I followed them back to the dormitory. And then suddenly, Jungkook hugged Jimin making him blush. Seriously? I've never seen him act like this. But Jimin hugged him back happily. I felt a little bit of jealousy when I saw them smiling while hugging each other. Stop Taehyung. What the fuck are you thinking all of a sudden? I saw them waved goodbye at each other which gave me a relief for a reason that I don't know. Okay. I gotta admit that I really looked like a stalker. I started to walked towards my room but someone grabbed my wrist making me look back. "So you followed us? Why?" He asked. "I was just curious why you're acting kind towards Jungkook" I said with a frown on my face. His jaw dropped after I mentioned Jungkook. "You know him?!" He yeld. "Duh! Of course I know him that's why I got to mention his name" I said while rolling my eyes. "How?" Why the fuck is he curious all of a sudden. Should I tell him that Jungkook was actually the one who helped me from my punishment? I know he's mad to whoever messed his punishment for me, which is Jungkook without him knowing it was him. But who cares? "Because, he's the one who helped me from my punishment" I smirked. "What the fuck?!" He cursed as he let go of my wrist with a shocked look plastered on his face and walked away. Haha knew it. I went inside my room and slept.


Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. Ahh! What the fuck! He was actually the one who helped Kim fucking Taehyung?! I don't know what to feel. Angry? Frustated? But I promised myself to be nice to him for I don't know what reason my heart is telling me. It's been a while since the last time I've been kind. Suddenly, flashbacks came in to my mind. Terrible flashbacks, back when I used to be a nice person. "Stop being nice! Do you want to get another whip from me?!" No no no. Stop this shit. "I'm s-sorry dad!" I started crying and suddenly felt the whip hit my skin. It bleeded just like the other wounds I had before. My father started to beat me up just like before so I just kept quiet. "I wish I never had banged your mom from the first place! Your just a little piece of shit who acts nice instead of following my foot steps!" He said as he slapped my face real hard leaving a hot red mark. He walked out of my bedroom, and I started to break down, crying so hard until I fell asleep. I suddenly felt something wet on my cheeks. Tears. I cried? Fuck those stupid flashbacks. "Hyung! Are you okay? Why are you crying?!" Jungkook asked, with a panic look plastered on his face. "I'm o-okay" I said as I wiped tears. He suddenly hugged me, making me gasp and blush. "Hyung, don't lie to me. I saw you with my own two eyes. You were crying. Tell me what's wrong" He asked worriedly. "Look at you trying to comfort me. You're acting like you're the hyung instead of me." I chuckled. He punched me softly, making me chuckle again seeing him blush. "I'm being s-serious here hyung! Don't try to change the topic. I'm worried okay?" He said as he hugged me again. "Okay okay" I said. "Where's your room? Why don't we talk there instead of standing here" He chuckled. Oh god his laugh is music to my ears right now. I intertwined our hands as we walked towards my room, while I saw him blush after I intertwined our hands. He's really adorable. As we entered my room, I asked him to sit down on the couch. "So hyung, can you tell me why were you crying a while ago?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face. I shouldn't tell him. It's too painful and personal for me to tell him. "I'm sorry but I can't tell you. It's way too personal. I hope you'll understand" I said trying my best to convince him to stop asking me about it. "Okay. I understand hyung. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He asked. "Just stay here for a while to keep me company" I smiled. He suddenly hugged me which made me shocked and blush again. But I hugged him back, and he suddenly spoke up. "Thankfully my classes are over" He said as he snuggled closer to me which I think is his way of comfort. I feel happy. I find it great being with Jungkook. Suddenly, I felt his head laying on my chest. He's alseep. He's even more adorable when he's asleep. I suddenly kept brushing his hair with a smile on my face. I'm thankful for meeting Jungkook. After 1 minute, I too suddenly fell asleep. So both of us were still hugging each other as we slept.


A/N: Hey Armys! So again, I stayed awake just to publish a new chapter because I want to post a chapter everyday! But next week, I think we will be working on something in our Science subject which is a huge requirement for us, so please do understand if ever I won't post any chapters. But I hope can still find time to post new chapters for you. And, 4 days to go before their comeback! Can't wait! That's all I want to say! Thank you!


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