Chapter 15

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/Next Morning/


I woke up with a headache and felt that I'm hugging someone who is naked. I quickly sat up as my eyes widened at the sudden realization. 'What happened last night?' I asked myself and suddenly realized that I too was naked. I slowly removed the blanket off the person on the bed with me and saw Jungkook. Guilt took over me as I saw him handcuffed on the head board of the bed and was naked and his cheeks has trails of tears, making my heart ache at the sight. I quickly removed the handcuffs off his wrists, waking him up. He slowly opened his puffy eyes and looked at me with fear evident in his eyes. He started to tear up and quickly got up, only to fall down on the floor.

"O-Ouch" He whimpered softly as one tear escaped his eye.

"Let me help you" I suggested as I walked towards him.

"No! I-I mean, I c-can handle m-myself" He stuttered as he scooted away from me.

"D-Did I? D-Did we?" I stuttered as I looked at him worriedly. He nodded slowly and hugged his knees closer to his chest.

"I-I'm sorry. J-Just let me h-help y-" I tried to suggest again, but he cut me off as he yelled.

"No! Get away from me!" He yelled out and tears started to stream down his cheeks as he quickly pulled the bed sheet off the bed and covered his body and ran out of our room.

"Jungkook!" I called for him but only to get no response. I yelled out of frustration and pulled my hair.

"You fucked up Taehyung" I groaned to myself and stood up. I grabbed a towel and walked in to the bathroom and did my morning routine.


I woke up to the loud knocks coming from my door. I groaned and stood up as I made my way towards the door. As I opened the door, I saw Jungkook wrapped in a bed sheet and was crying. I quickly took him in to my room and locked the door. I let him sit down on my bed as I hugged him tightly.

"H-Hyung" He cried out as he hugged me back.

"What happened?" I asked calmly while rubbing his back.

"H-He.. H-He" He stuttered as he tried to say what he wanted to say.

"He touched you, didn't he?" I growled as I gritted my teeth. He started crying harder and nodded.

"That's it. I will make sure that he won't be able to lay a finger on you. The others should know about this so that they could protect you too. Got it?" I said as I smiled warmly at him. He nodded and cried softly on my chest.

"Let me just get you some of my clothes" I said as I stood up and picked some clothes from my closet.

"Here. Wear this after you take a bath" I said as I handed him my clothes. He nodded and stood up as he made his way towards the bathroom.

/After a few minutes/

He got out of the bathroom, already dressed. He fixed his looks and faced me as he asked something.

"D-Do I look okay?" He asked.

"Of course" I smiled as I stood up and walked towards the bathroom and did my morning routine. 'That bastard' I thought to myself and groaned furiously. After doing my morning routine, I quickly put on my clothes and walked out of the bathroom. After fixing my looks, I took out my phone and contacted Hoseok first. After a few rings, he quickly picked up.

"Hey hyung" I said.

"Jiminieee! What's up?" Hoseok asked.

"Meet up with us in the pastry shop in 5 minutes" I said as I ended the call. I then contacted Namjoon next. After a few rings, he picked up.

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