Chapter 25

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Hiiii! So I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm gonna start publishing short chapters because if I won't, the story will appear rushed. (Though I'm not sure about that 😅) I (J)hope you're okay with that 😁

"M-My f-father?" Jimin stuttered, fear evident in his voice as Jaebum and Jungkook nodded.

"B-But how is that p-possible? He's supposed to be in jail!" Jimin exclaimed as his body trembled in fear.

"Maybe he escaped" Hoseok muttered.
"I-I'm scared" Jimin choked out as tears started to fall out of his eyes. Jin rushed to his side and hugged him tightly as Jimin cried on his chest.

"We're still not sure about this. All you have to do now is to be careful and be aware of your surroundings, arasseo?" Namjoon said as the three of them nodded. After that, they continued to eat in silence. After they ate, they bid each other goodbyes and went back to their own rooms, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung in their room.

"Please be careful, Jungkook" Taehyung muttered softly.

"I will, hyung" Jungkook said as he walked towards their bed and kissed Taehyung's forehead before grabbing an extra pillow and blanket.

"W-Wait. Why are you grabbing those? A-Aren't you gonna sleep next to me?" Taehyung asked, sadness lacing to his voice.

"Umm... I assumed that you didn't want me to sleep next to you" Jungkook said as he scratched his nape awkwardly.

"P-Please sleep next to me" Taehyung pleaded, his ears tinting pink.

"O-Okay" Jungkook said as he put back the extra pillow and blanket and laid down on the bed next to Taehyung. Taehyung pouted after seeing the gap between their bodies and decided to hug Jungkook which caught the other off-guard. Jungkook just shook his head and hugged him back and soon fell asleep.

/Next Morning/


*Ring ring*
*Ring ring*

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I just groaned and decided to ignore it.

*Ring ring*
*Ring ring*
*Ring ring*
*Ring ring*
*Ring ring*

"GODDAMMIT! WHO WOULD CALL ME THIS EARLY?!" I exclaimed and groaned afterwards. I picked up my phone and accepted the call without checking who the caller is.

"Who the fuck is this?" I groaned once again.

"Good morning, baby" The other line said.

"Who the fuck are you and why are calling this early?" I asked while rubbing my temples in annoyance.

"Have you forgotten about your boyfriend already?" The other line growled.

"Boyfriend? What do you mean my boyfriend?" I scoffed.

"I thought we agreed to always eat breakfast together every fucking day, Park Jimin?" The other line growled once again, and that's when I realized who the caller is.

"Y-Yoongi" I stuttered nervously.

"Get your ass over here, I've been waiting for almost half an hour" Yoongi said sternly.

"O-Okay, just let me take a quick shower first and all" I stuttered as I ended the call and rushed towards the bathroom.

/After a few minutes/

I quickly got out of the bathroom and immediately wore a simple outfit. I rushed out of my room after grooming myself, not forgetting to lock the door, and decided to walk instead of running. I don't want to look sweaty and horrible once I arrived there.

Once I was outside the dormitory, I breathed in the fresh air and felt relaxed. I began to walk, greeting some of the people I know while smiling brightly. I smiled once I saw the pastry shop just a few meters away from me. I don't know what's gotten in to me, but I just feel so bubbly and all.

I happily skipped towards the shop but stopped once the light for the pedestrian lane turned red. I waited for a while and smiled once I saw Yoongi's back inside the shop. Once the light turned green, I was about to walk across the lane but then as cliche as it sounds, a van stop right infront of me and 2 men in black got out while I began running away. I ran as fast as I can and ran to a corner, only to be captured by another man in black. He covered my nose with a scented handkerchief while I held my breath in.

"LET ME GO!" I yelled, my voice muffled because of the cloth. Wrong move. I accidentally inhaled the scent of the cloth and began to feel dizzy. Soon, I was pushed inside the van and the three men went inside. After a few minutes, my dizziness got worse and soon, I finally lost my conscience and all I saw was darkness. Only one person was in my mind... Yoongi.


A/N: Hey Armys! New UD here! Again, I apologize for not updating early 😔 And I've decided that instead of looking for new fan fictions to read, I'll just try to write new chapters for today 😊 I'm sorry to say this but the story might be rushed ✌️

I know that I'm not that good in writing while there are others out there the same age as me writing like a professional...

Anyways, enough with my drama... Happy 9.16K reads to us guys! Thank you again for all the reads, votes, and comments! That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!


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