Chapter 18

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"J-Jungkook?" I stuttered, causing Hoseok to look at me with wide eyes.

"H-Hyung, I t-think that was J-Jungkook" I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear.

"C-Come on. Let's go back to the dorm" He said as he helped me to stand up and walked back to his car and drove back to the dormitory. Once we got back, we saw Namjoon and Jin talking. We approached them as I spoke.

"H-Hyungs" I started as they looked at me worriedly after seeing my puffy eyes.

"What's wrong Taehyung?" Jin asked as he held my shoulder.

"I t-think I just saw J-Jungkook back in the p-park" I cried softly as Jin hugged me tightly.

"Well that's a shocking news. Atleast now we know that he's fine" Jin said as he tried calming me down. After a few minutes, I finally calmed down.

"Where's Jimin by the way?" Hoseok asked.

"Oh, he just went out for a walk" Namjoon said as we nodded our heads.


I went inside the pastry shop and ordered. After getting my food, I then sat down on the seat where me and Jungkook first ate together. I began eating my food as I took out my phone and checked all of my photos with Jungkook, causing me to tear up.

"I miss you Kookie" I whispered as I continued checking all of our photos.

"Hey, mind if I seat with you?" A stranger asked as I looked at him.

"Sure" I said as I wiped away my tears and put down my phone on the table. The stranger then sat down and spoke.

"You're that guy that I bumped into a few years ago right?" He said, causing me to choke. I quickly drank water and spoke.

"Sorry" I apologized as I blushed a little. I then remembered what he said as I looked at him.

"Oh, yeah. You're that guy who... Uhh.. Cursed at me because I was in the middle of the sidewalk" I said awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'm that guy. Sorry about that. I was in a hurry that time so I got pissed once I bumped into you by accident" He chuckled, causing me to blush once again.

"I-I'm Jimin by the w-way" I stuttered as I held out my hand.

"I'm Yoongi" He said as he reached out for my hand and shook hands with me as I suddenly felt a flow of electricity through my body. 'Why am I feeling like this? I should just ignore it' I thought to myself and just smiled at Yoongi. We then ate our food and continued talking with each other. After eating, we both went out of the pastry shop as he spoke.

"Give me your phone" He said as he reached out his hand. I then took out my phone and gave it to him. After a few seconds, he gave it back.

"Call me if you feel like hanging out or whatever" He said as he waved goodbye at me and left. I then looked at my contact list and smiled. 'Could he be the right one for me?' I asked myself and just shrugged and walked back to the dormitory. 


I waved goodbye at Jimin and walked back to my car and drove back to my house. Once I arrived there, I got out of my car and went inside.

"Hey mom" I greeted my mom as I kissed her cheek.

"Can you tell Yoonji to get her ass here and wash the dishes?" She asked as I nodded my head and made my way upstairs to my shared bedroom with my twin sister.

"Hey bitch, mom said to get your ass downstairs and wash the dishes" I said casually as I flopped down on my bed and took out my phone, earning a groan from her.

"Whatever, dimwit"  She said as she stomped out of our room. I just shrugged and continued scrolling through my phone.

(Nobody's POV)

3 months already passed. Enrollment was already over. Jimin and Taehyung were already enrolled. There are some who are familiar to them who were enrolled too, but there were also new ones. By tomorrow, it will already be the first day of school.


(3rd Person's POV)

Jimin and Taehyung already went inside the school campus and joined the other students who were gathered. After a few minutes, the school principal walked up on the stage and spoke through the microphone.

"Good morning my dear students. I just want to inform you that classes will start by tomorrow. For now, you will spend the time with your dorm mates or friends while all of the new students will attend the campus tour" The principal said as he bowed and walked down the stage. 


Everyone, except for the new students, rushed towards the dormitory and walked into their perspective rooms. And eventually, my old dorm room is still my room for this school year. I just sighed and walked into my room. 'I miss Jungkook. I just wish my new dorm mate will be nice' I thought to myself and sighed as I flopped down on the bed. After a few minutes of not doing anything, I fell asleep.

/A few hours later/

The door opened as someone sat down on the bed, causing me to wake up. I looked at him with wide eyes. 'He's my dorm mate?' I thought to myself and continued staring at him.

"Hey Taehyung. Nice to see you again" He smiled.

"H-Hey" I stuttered as I lowered my gaze and avoided his gaze.

"Why are you acting like this? Dude, I thought we're already okay with each other?" He asked as he looked at me sadly.

"I-I'm sorry" I apologized.



















"L-Look Jaebum, I'm s-sorry. I just c-can't help but remember J-Jungkook crying because of the pain you've caused him before" I stuttered as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry" He apologized as he received a text. He then checked it and looked at it with wide eyes.

"Mianhae Taehyung. Turns out, I'm not your dorm mate. My friend texted me the wrong dorm number" He apologized as he stood up and bowed and left the room. As soon as he got out, Hoseok, Jimin, and the NamJin couple walked in.

"So, have you met your dorm mate yet?" Jin asked as I shook my head.

"No, not yet" I sighed. Right after I said that, the door opened, revealing someone wearing a face mask and sunglasses on. He stared at us as he slowly put down his bag.

"Hey guys. Long time no see"


A/N: Hey Armys! New UD here! I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday >.< And I'm sorry for the 3-month time skip... I just had to (again). And I will keep on putting time skips (but not too much), sorry. And yeah, I decided to add Yoonji here ;-; Anyways, happy 5.8K reads to us guys! Thank you again for all the reads,votes, and comments! That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!


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