Chapter 24

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After the little girl ran away, I just shook my head and decided to go back to the dormitory. As soon as I stood up, I saw the little girl again but this time, she was crying. I quickly ran to catch her. Once I finally caught her, I crouched down onto her level and wiped her tears away. 

"Hey... Why are you crying?" I asked worriedly as I held both of her cheeks. She then suddenly flinched and backed away from me. I then looked at her face again and noticed a bruise on her cheek. So that's the reason why she flinched...

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I quickly apologized as I pulled her into an embrace. She then hugged me back and started crying once again while clutching on to my shirt tightly. I rubbed her back gently while ushering comforting words. After a few minutes, she finally calmed down and suddenly fell asleep in my embrace, making me smile. I looked around to see where her family is, and when I finally spot a family looking around with worried looks on their faces, I gently carried the little girl in my arms and walked towards them.

"Is she the one you're looking for?" I asked as they immediately looked at me and the little girl in my arms. They quickly ran towards me and gently took the little girl and smiled at me warmly.

"Thank you so much, young man" One of them said, which I assume is the mother of the little girl, as I smiled back. After that, I decided to head back to the dormitory. As soon as I arrived in my shared room with Taehyung, I was met by silence. Where is he?

"Hyung? Are you here?" I asked as I looked around the room.

No response...  

Shit. I quickly ran to the bathroom door and tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. I kept on knocking but he still didn't open the door.

"Tae! Open the door!" I yelled as I kept on knocking hardly. Fuck it.  I grabbed the spare key of the bathroom door and quickly unlocked it. As soon as I opened the door, I soon found Taehyung unconscious on the floor. My mind started panicking as I quickly carried him in my arms and rushed out of the bathroom, laying him down on our bed.

"Tae! Tae, wake up!" I yelled as I kept on shaking his body, but he still didn't woke up. I then touched his forehead, but I soon flinched at the high temperature. I don't want him to stay at the clinic. I want to be the one to take care of him. I then rushed to the bathroom and took out my handkerchief and turned on the faucet. I then squeeze it until the water doesn't drip anymore and went back to Taehyung, folding it first and placed it on his forehead. His face seemed to calm down as he relaxed a little bit. I smiled and walked back to the bathroom and took out a small towel and a pail-like container and filled it with water (a little bit cold, but not too much). I then carried the container and walked back to Taehyung. I looked at Taehyung and bit my lip hesitantly. I should undress him first... I just sighed as I carefully removed all of his clothes except his boxers and dipped the towel on the water, squeezing it right after. I faced him once again and started rubbing it on his body to help him cool down a bit.

"Why are you suddenly sick? Is it because of me?" I whispered and sighed. I then felt my phone vibrated, meaning I have a new message. I quickly took it out of my pocket and checked who was it from. Unknown?


I finally saw you again, Jeon Jungkook. Watch out ;)

Tch. Whoever this person is, how did he or she know my name? I just shook my head and didn't bother to reply, continuing what I was really doing.

(Unknown Person)

So this is the dormitory he stays in... I looked around while smirking.

"Bye Yoongi! See you tomorrow" A boy said, catching my attention. What a cute voice... I just chuckled and watched them. The said boy smiled and pecked the younger's cheek, causing him to blush. Well this is disgusting... I thought to myself and just rolled my eyes. When I was about to leave, I suddenly halted at the name that I heard. After they bid each other goodbyes, I pulled one student and ordered him to ask for the younger's number. But I suddenly heard another name that caught my attention as well. I ordered the student to ask for their numbers, but he disagreed. I then punched him hard on the stomach and ordered him once again as he quickly nodded his head and ran towards them. After a few minutes, he finally came back with a piece of paper where their numbers are written.

"You can leave now" I said as he quickly ran away. I then added their numbers to my contact list and smiled wickedly. Oh how lucky I am... I sent them messages too and put my phone back to my pocket right after.

/Dinner Time in VKook's Room/

(Nobody's POV)

Everyone decided to have dinner inside Taehyung and Jungkook's room, so right now, all of them are gathered together while eating.

"How are you feeling, Tae?" Jin asks worriedly.

"I feel fine now... Don't worry about me too much" He said as he gave them a small smile.

"You should eat a lot. Don't starve yourself, Tae" Jungkook said worriedly as well, causing Taehyung to sigh.

"Thank you for taking care of me" Taehyung said as he continued eating.

"Your welcome" Jungkook smiled.

"Oh yeah, a few hours ago, a guy asked for our numbers. And by our, I mean me and Jaebum" Jimin suddenly blurted out of the blue, catching all of their attentions, especially Jungkook.

"A little girl did the same to me a few hours ago" Jungkook said.

"And also, I received a message from someone I don't know" Jungkook added while frowning.

"Me too" Jimin and Jaebum said in unison.

"Clearly, it looks like there's only one person behind this" Namjoon said as they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"The three of you, give me your phones" Jin said as they complied and gave their phones to him. Jin checked the messages they have received and gasped.

"Joonie, look" Jin said as he showed Namjoon the messages.


I finally saw you again, Jeon Jungkook. Watch out ;)


It's been a while, Park Jimin. Watch out ;)


Well well... The three of you all together in one place. How lucky of me. Watch out, Im Jaebum ;)

"Guys, think of someone who knows the three of you that would want revenge" Namjoon said seriously as they nodded.

"The three of us are related. We're cousins, right? So... The question is, which among of our family members or relatives would want revenge on us" Jimin said. After a few seconds, Jungkook and Jaebum suddenly gasped. They looked at each other and nodded as they spoke.

"S-Samchon" They stuttered out in unison, causing Jimin to gasped in shock and fear.

"M-My f-father?"


A/N: Hey Armys! New UD here! You probably hate me now that I don't update that much these days 😪 Again, I apologize for that 😔 This chapter was supposed to be published days ago... And since I don't wanna lie, I admit that I'm getting more lazier... But believe me, I don't want to keep you guys waiting 😓 Anyways, happy 8.9K reads to us guys! Thank you again for all the reads, votes, and comments! That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!


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