Chapter 33

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/After 1 hour of traveling/

"Tae.. Wake up. We're here"

"Hm?" I hummed as I rubbed my eyes and slowly stood up.

"Where are we?" I asked, my voice raspy.

"Busan. Jimin and Jungkook's hometown" Namjoon said as I just nodded.

"Come on, we need to hurry up so we could catch the bus" Yoongi said as we all nodded our heads and followed.

/After 30 minutes/

We finally arrived to our destination, but.. it's kinda creepy here. No scratch that. It's REALLY creepy here.

All of the houses here are empty and old. I feel like some character in a horror movie. I tightened my grip on Jin's arm as I shivered in fear.

"Let's go" Hoseok said as we walked slowly towards Jungkook's old house.

We were about to knock but the door suddenly swung open. We were pulled in quickly as they tied our hands tightly and covered our eyes with small sacks.

The next thing I know is that we were pushed inside a room before darkness took over me.


"Hyung! Hyung! Wake up! Please!"

I groaned as the voice got more clearer, and it sounded too familiar.

"Kookie!? Is that you?!" I yelled back.

"What are you *cough* d-doing here? I t-told you not to f-follow me" He said softly yet weakly. My heart ached as soon as I heard the pain and weakness in his voice. They suddenly removed the sacks on our heads as I squinted my eyes to adjust my sight.

I tried to look forward, but soon regretted. Right infront of me is Jungkook, his skin pale, he's getting more thinner, puffy red eyes, skin-full of scars and bruises. It was heart-breaking.

Right beside him were Jimin and Jaebum, who were in the same situation. Jimin is talking to Yoongi while Jaebum is talking with Namjoon.

"What a nice reunion for you" A deep voice said as he clapped slowly.

"Guess I'll have to torture you guys as well" He smirked as he ordered his men to do something. They nodded their heads before pulling out something from their pockets.

"Electrify them right infront of us" Mr. Park said. Our eyes widened in fear as we begged them not to.

"AHH!!" We screamed in unison as pain shot through our body.

"No, please! Stop!" Jimin yelled, but they just ignored him and continued to electrify us.

"I'm sorry" Jungkook whispered while looking at me with teary eyes and hung his head low and cried silently.

I'm sorry too, Jungkook. I wish I could hold you in my arms to protect you from any harms like old times.

"D-Don't be- AH!" I said as I bit my lips as hard as I can to prevent my screams from coming out.

As long as I'm here, I'll make sure to endure the pain and sufferings I will receive.. for you. I'll make sure to get us out of here with the rest.
Even if it'll cost my life. I'll die just for the sake of you being safe.


A/N: Sooo.. I'm supposed to be sleeping right now so that I'll wake up easily by morning, but here I am updating ;-; I'm having fun so far at school these days.

I hope my grammars are fine.

And I hope you liked this chapter even just a little bit :)


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