Chapter 10

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"J-Jungk-kook" I stuttered. He hid his face on my chest and refused to look at me.

"W-why?" I asked, still blushing.

"M-mianhae h-hyung. I d-don't know what c-came in to my m-mind" He said, blushing crimson red.

"O-okay. I'm sorry too" I apologized, noticing we're near the dormitory. Once we reached our room, I laid Jungkook gently on the bed. He flinched a little but soon fell asleep. I took out my phone and texted Jimin.

Taehyung: Hey

Jimin: What do you want?

Taehyung: I took Jungkook back here in the dormitory, he got punched

Jimin: WTF?! WHO HURT HIM?! And, is Jungkook okay?

Taehyung: Just some hoe beating me up, Jungkook came running towards me and tried to protect me. And yes he's okay, he's asleep now

Jimin: God why would he do such a thing. I shouldn't have brought him at the party. Anyways, thank you for bringing him back to the dormitory

Taehyung: No problem

I placed my phone on the side table and walk towards Jungkook who is sleeping soundly. I smiled to myself and brushed his hair away from his face using my fingers, and leaned forward kissing his forehead, whispering a 'Thank you' and laid down beside him. I faced him and cupped his cheek and hugged him. Later on, I fell asleep as well.


"Hey, uhh, do you know anything about a fight that just occurred a few minutes ago?" I asked on a certain stranger and he nodded his head.

"Umm, is the guy who punched a boy which made him cry still here?" I asked and he nodded again. He pointed on a guy near the drinking area who is just trying to stand up, I quickly thanked him and ran towards the guy. As I reached him, my eyes turned dark, filling with anger as I realized who he is. Jaebum..................My........... Cousin. I quickly punched him on the face, making him fall back to the floor. I quickly grabbed him by the collar and punched him again. I grabbed him the collar again and yelled at him.

"You! How dare you hurt my friends?! God dammit JB!" I yelled while shaking him harshly. He looked at me and his eyes widened.

"J-Jimin? W-what are you doing here?" He asked weakly. I chuckled dryly and spoke.

"Trying to find out who hurt my friends, which turned out to be my fucking cousin that was treated nicely by my father" I said as I rolled my eyes, tears ready to flow out of my eyes any time.

"Look, I'm sorry about that. I was drunk okay? And I know that I used to be mean to you back in those days and boast about being close with your father. But Jimin, listen to me, I also hated your father ever since I was 16. He started treating me like shit and it sucks. It hurts. He stood as my father ever since, because my father left me when I was 3. And now, I live by myself and enjoy life" He said as tears streamed down his cheeks. Now, I feel guilty.

"M-mianhae. I-I understand" I said as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Are your friends okay?" He asked.

"Ne, they're asleep now. They're back in the dormitory of our school" I answered back and smiled warmly.

"Can I talk to them tomorrow and apologize?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"So... Are we good now?" He asked as he reached out his hand.

"Yeah. We're good now" I smiled and shook hands with him.

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