Chapter 39

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'Are they fucking kidding me? How come they didn't tell me earlier? I just embarrassed myself back there' I thought to myself while smacking my forehead repeatedly.

"Kookie, don't blame them. Maybe they were just too busy to even remember about informing you that I was transferred in to another room" Taehyung said as he held my hand and smiled.

"Okay okay, fine" I sighed before lifting his hand up and kissed it, causing him to blush.

"W-What was that f-for?" He stuttered out.

"I know that it would be weird to ask you this right now but..."


"Will you be my boyfriend? I wanted to ask you that when you and my mom are discharged already, but I was impatient so-" He cut me off by capturing my lips in a kiss.

"Yes! And will you stop babbling" He giggled as I smiled back before hugging him carefully.

"I love you so much" I whispered to his ear before kissing his forehead.

"I love you too" He whispered back as he hugged me tighter.

"Umm... Are we interrupting something?" A familiar voice asked which caught both of our attention.

"Jin-hyung!" We both exclaimed in joy as he smiled back. He ran towards us before engulfing us in to a hug.

"I'm glad that you guys are okay" He smiled after pulling away from the hug.

"Ehem" Another voice spoke. We stared back at the door, seeing Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Yoonji, Hoseok, Jaebum there smiling at us.

We chatted for awhile but I suddenly asked all of them to shut up and listen to me.

"Okay so... We're together now" I smiled as I lifted Taehyung's hand up again before kissing it. All of a sudden, we heard sniffles.

"Hyung! Why are you crying?!" Both me and Tae exclaimed at Jin, who was fanning himself with his hands while crying.

"My babies are grown ups now, oh my God. Joonie, we need to prepare to become grandparents" He said as we coughed awkwardly.

"Don't you mean 'uncles'?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes, b-but I'm still their mom! Heck, I also consider you as my child!" He said while moving his arms in the air like crazy.

"You're like 1 year older than me so shut the fuck up" He said while rolling his eyes, but smiling a little bit at the end.

"Guys, would you like to meet my mom?" I asked them as they nodded. I helped Taehyung get up as we made our way to my mom's room.

"Hi mom, these are my friends... and my boyfriend" I smiled as I held Taehyung's hand. They all said hi to her before they started talking.

/Night time/

"Jungkook, we need to go now" Jin said as I nodded. I followed them outside the hospital and spoke.

"Hyungs, I have something to tell you"

They all stopped as I told them what I wanted to say.

"Are you sure about this?"

"He might cry"

"He might hate you, though"

"His heart might break into a million pieces because of this"

I just sighed and bid them goodbye and went back to my mom's room to assist Taehyung in getting him back to his room.


A/N: Hi again :3

A/N: Hi again :3

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I am bored again 😂 and I relate to the 2nd meme since I have homework but here I am spending my time on bangtan and wattpad 😂

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I am bored again 😂 and I relate to the 2nd meme since I have homework but here I am spending my time on bangtan and wattpad 😂


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