Chapter 2

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*Break Time*


I'm eating alone again just like in high school *sigh* "Hi! Why are you eating alone? Where are your friends?" A guy with an orange hair asked me. "H-hi! I don't have any f-friends." I stuttered. "Oh, I'm sorry about that. I'm Jimin, btw! And you are?" He asked. "J-Jungkook" I answered. "Nice to meet you Jungkook, I can be your friend if you want" He said while reaching out his hand. "Nice to meet you too Jimin! A-and sure, you can be my friend" I said reaching out my hand to his. "So why don't you have any friends?" He asked. "I'm a freshman here, and a-also I'm a shy person" I said shyly. "Don't be that shy! Just relax and feel free! That's what I did before" He said. "I d-don't know. Anyways, I need to go. My next class is about to start" I said as I stood and bowed infront of him and walked to my next class.


"I d-don't know. Anyways, I need to go. My next class is about to start" Jungkook said as he stood up and bowed infront of me and started to walk away. This Jungkook guy is interesting. He's cute but the problem is, he's innocent tsk. I wonder what happened to V. I'm sure he's still in his room experiencing the punishment I gave him. I should go check on him, he should learn his lesson for not pleasing me enough a while ago. I went to his dorm room, but I was shocked for not seeing Taehyung on the bed. How did he set himself free? I looked around to see if he's in the room. No one's here. "Are you looking for me?" A familiar voice asked me. "How did you-" I said but was cut off by Taehyung. "I got some help" He said. "From who?" I asked curiously, while gritting my teeth trying not to shout because of my anger. How dare that person mess with my punishment to Taehyung?! "He's new in the campus, since I've never seen him before" He said and walked out. How dare him leave his hyung. "How dare you walk away from me?! Remember that I'm your hyung!" I said furiously and grabbed his wrist. "Yah! Let me go!" He said while using all his strength to be free from my grip. I gripped tighter on his wrist. "You still need that punishment!" I said, while gritting my teeth again. "Why?! What did I even do?!" He whined. "You didn't please me enough a while ago! You should learn your lesson young man." I said as I drag him back into his room. While I'm dragging him, he finally managed to be free from my grip and ran away. Fuck him. I'll let him pass just now. I don't want to be stressed. While I was walking through the hallway, I bumped into someone accidentally making me curse. "Fuck!" I looked to the person who I bumped into, and it was Jungkook. Shit my heart beat got fast. What's happening?! "I'm s-sorry hyung" He said trying to stand up. I helped him get up and and asked for an apology. "Sorry Jungkook, I was just thinking deeply, that's why I didn't saw you" I apologized and smiled. This is new to me. Me being nice? I was nice years ago. "I understand hyung. You d-don't need to apologize" He said while blushing. How cute. "So have you eaten lunch already? You can join me if you want" I asked nicely. "N-no, I haven't eaten yet. Is it really okay for you?" He asked shyly. "Of course! Come on!" I said as I intertwined our hands and walked to the cafeteria. "What do you want? My treat" I smiled. "It's okay h-hyung! I have my own money." He said trying to get his wallet. I quickly stopped him. "I said my treat okay? Tell me what you want to order" I said and looked at him. "O-okay. I want a blueberry cheesecake and a caramel machiatto" He said. "Okay. Find us a table" I said and went to the counter. "I'll have 1 blueberry cheesecake, 1 chocolate mousse cake, and 2 caramel machiatto please" I said nicely. After a few minutes, our order is already done and I took them and walked towards Jungkook, who is quietly looking outside. "Here's your blueberry cheesecake and caramel machiatto" I smiled and gave him his food. "Thanks hyung!" He said and started eating his blueberry cheesecake. I also started to dig in to my chocolate mousse cake while watching Jungkook enjoying his cheesecake. "Mmm! It tastes so good!" He smiled widely. For the first time I saw him smile like this. He has a cute bunny smile which can make other people smile too. We finished our food went back to the dormitory. "Thanks for the treat hyung!" He smiled. "Your welcome" I smiled back. "U-umm, can I hug you h-hyung?" He asked me shyly. "Sure!" I agreed. He shyly hugged me which made my heart beat faster again. Shit, why is my heart like this? I hugged him back to let him know that I really agree. "I've never hugged someone at school. Your actually the first one hyung" He said. "I feel honored" I smiled. "Just to let you know, I wanted to hug you because I'm really happy that I finally have a friend, and that's you hyung" He said. "Bye hyung! I need to go. Thanks for the treat again!" He let go of the hug and waved goodbye as he left. I suddenly realized that I've been smiling the whole time. What did he do to me? Ah shit. His cute face, his bunny smile, his sparkling eyes, his perfect nose, his plump pinkish lips. He's perfect, but innocent. But I need to respect his innocence, since I'm his first friend. I don't want to ruin this friendship of ours. Wait what? What am I thinking all of a sudden? Aish! Nevermind.


A/N: Hey Armys! So I tried my best to make a longer chapter. Atleast I made it until 1000 words right? Unlike in chapter 1, it was maybe around 400+ words? Btw, my otp is VKook ^//^ but sometimes I can't help but ship JiKook too! So I'll just say that I love VMinKook!

 Atleast I made it until 1000 words right? Unlike in chapter 1, it was maybe around 400+ words? Btw, my otp is VKook ^//^ but sometimes I can't help but ship JiKook too! So I'll just say that I love VMinKook!

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Look how cute they are! I mean just look at them! 💕

And look how adorable they are while sleeping together! 😍💖

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And look how adorable they are while sleeping together! 😍💖

And I can't believe that their comeback is just a few days ahead! I'm so excited! 5 more days! But sadly I can't see them live. International fans' problem though 😭

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