Chapter 41

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"Hyung, let's break up already" He sighed which caused me to tear up.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"You heard me, let's break up already"
At that moment, my heart broke into million pieces. I quickly stood up and ran out of the house, crying.

What did I do to deserve this?

I ran as fast as I could and finally arrived at my house.

I guess my brother is still not here..

I slowly walked towards my bedroom while clenching my chest where my heart is. I feel so empty, so broken, so lifeless.

As I arrived there, I saw my brother laying down on my bed, eyes closed.

"B-Baekh-hyungie?" I choked out which caught his attention as he opened his eyes and quickly stood up, facing me

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"B-Baekh-hyungie?" I choked out which caught his attention as he opened his eyes and quickly stood up, facing me.

His smile turned into a frown as soon as he saw how puffy my eyes are and the tears that can't stop from falling from my eyes.

"Tae... What's wrong?" He asked, worry lacing in his voice.

After he said that, I broke down once again. He quickly approached and hugged me tightly while trying to calm me down.

"Shh.. It's okay. Hyungie is here. Tell me what happened" He said softly.

I sniffled and explained everything to him.

"I see" He said, guilt visible in his eyes.
"I should've been there for you" He sighed.

"Take a rest first, okay? I'm just gonna do some paper works then I'll come back here" He smiled then left my bedroom as I layed down on my bed.

"Actually, forget what I said. I forgot that I already finished my paper works 2 hours ago" He chuckled as he entered the room once again and sat next to me.

"Would you like to go to the backyard for some fresh air? I'll make some food for us while you wait" He smiled as I nodded and stood up and went out of the room with him.

It was pretty dark outside, but thankfully, the moon and the stars' light were enough.

I stepped on the grass and shivered as the cold wind made contact with my skin.

"Here's your jacket, I'll be in the kitchen" He smiled as he handed me my jacket and went back inside.

I happily took it and put it on and continued walking while looking up at the starry night sky.

I sighed.

Suddenly, at the corner of my eye, I saw something lit up. I turned to look at it and after that, I gasped.

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