Chapter 32

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Fuck. How could I forget about this??

I suddenly started breaking down once again because of guilt. Jin-hyung rushed towards me and asked me what was wrong.

"H-Hyung. M-Mian.. Mianhae" I kept on saying sorry all over again which got him confused and worried.

"Jinnie, is Taehyung fine n- Oh my god why's he breaking down!" Namjoon rushed towards us and knelt down beside Jin, looking at me worriedly.

"H-Hyung.. I k-know how w-we can find t-them" I managed to say through my sobs.

"W-What?" They both asked in unison.

"L-Look" I said and pointed at Jungkook's clothes in his closet.

"T-Tae..." Jin stuttered as tears started to form in his eyes while Namjoon stood up and took one shirt from Jungkook's closet.

"Tae.. Is this some sort of GPS or something?" Namjoon asked slowly as I nodded my head and apologized.

"Fix yourself. We're leaving. I'll inform the others" Namjoon said as we nodded our heads and quickly followed his order.

Just wait for us, guys. We'll find you soon.


A/N: I have a headache right now, but I still managed to write a new chapter :') I've been tired and stressed lately because of school works ;-;


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