Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey Armys! So I just wanna tell you that I will rush the beginning of this chapter because I'm focusing more on the plot later.


/Next Morning/


I woke up, seeing Taehyung hugging me, making me blush.

"Good morning Jungkook" He said, startling me. He opened his eyes and chuckled, ruffling my hair.

"Get ready because we're going on another friendly date. I have to make it up to you after what I've done" He said as he stared on the ground, avoiding my gaze.

"Arasseo. But I already forgave you hyung so you don't have to worry about it as long as you won't do it again like you've promised" I said as I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. As I went inside the bathroom, I locked the door and began removing my clothes. After removing my clothes, I saw the now light purple bruises on my neck which were caused by Taehyung. Tears started streaming down my cheeks as I began to do my morning routine. I hope Taehyung won't hear me crying.


As Jungkook went inside the bathroom, I sat down first on the bed and took out my phone. While I was scrolling, I heard some soft sobs coming from the bathroom. I quickly stood up and rushed towards the bathroom door, resting my ear on the door, hearing Jungkook crying softly making my heart ache. I heard the shower turned off as I sat back down on the bed. The bathroom door clicked opened, revealing Jungkook wearing a towel like how girls wear them again. As I looked at him from head to toe, I saw some light purple bruises on his neck.

"Jungkook, was I the one who caused those?" I asked, guilt overtaking me.

"N-Ne hyung" He said as he looked through his clothes. I just nodded and went inside the bathroom and started doing my morning routine.

/A few minutes later/

After doing my morning routine, I went out and started looking through my clothes. After putting on my clothes and fixing my looks, I faced Jungkook and spoke.

"Let's go!" I said as I pulled him, rushing out of the dormitory and headed towards the pastry shop and ate.

/After eating/

We left the pastry shop and went back to the dormitory to get my car and bonded like the first time we had our friendly date.

When it was already lunch time, we went to the cafeteria and ordered lunch. As we got our food, we began eating. I stared at him, and my heart began to beat faster. I feel like crying just by staring at his angelic face. He caught me staring at him, and all we did was eat and just stared at each other.

As the evening went by, both boys were walking towards the parking lot and got inside Taehyung's car and drove back to the dormitory. As they arrived there, Jungkook was already asleep. Taehyung's heart began to flutter as he stared at the other. He cooed quietly at how cute the younger looked as he went out of his car, opening the opposite door and carefully carried the other towards their shared room. He decided to take a drink again so he went back to his car and drove to the same bar he went the night he tried to touch Jungkook.

'I should be more careful and cautious this time. I don't want to hurt Jungkook's feelings' I thought to myself and ordered a drink. As the bartender gave me my drink, she smirked and left. I just simply drank my beverage and began thinking. 'Why does my heart flutter while I'm with Jungkook? I don't want to fall for him. I don't want to end up hurting him' I thought to myself and took another sip from my beverage. I then thought about all the things I did with Jungkook since the beginning of our friendship, making me smile.

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