Chapter 26

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Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck. Where the fuck is he?! I then dialed his contact again but he didn't pick up. I tried again but he still didn't. I then tried a couple more times and soon gave up. I got up from my seat and went out of the shop, walking towards their dormitory. Once I arrived there, I tried to open his door but it was locked.

"Jimin? Are you in there?" I yelled just enough for him to hear, only to receive no response from him. I kept on knocking on his door but still no response.

"Excuse me sir, are you looking for Park Jimin? If so, he isn't there. I saw him left awhile ago" A student smiled.

"Ah, is that so? Thank you" I smiled back and bowed slightly at him before I started walking away.

"Yoongi?" A familiar voice said as I turned around and faced the owner of the voice.

"Jungkook? You stay here too?" I asked.

"Yep. Are you looking for Jimin? Because I myself have no idea where he is" Jungkook chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm looking for him. I told him to meet me at the pastry shop an hour ago but he didn't show up. I tried to call him but he didn't answer any of my calls. A student that was just passing by this hall told me that he did saw Jimin left. And now, I'm beginning to worry" I said, noticing Jungkook's change of facial expression.

"W-What if he was k-kidnapped?! What if his father is the one who's behind this?!" Jungkook panicked, causing me to panick as well.

"Let me tell my other friends. Follow me" Jungkook said as he ran towards a room where there are two males cuddling on the couch, startling them.
"Do you even know how to knock? And who's this?" One of the male asked.

"I'm sorry for startling the two of you, and this is Yoongi by the way. But I wanted to tell you that Jimin is missing" Jungkook said quickly while the two males were left shocked.

"I also need to inform the others so I need to go now, bye" Jungkook said and rushed outside and went in to another room.

"Hoseok! Jimin is missing" Jungkook said, startling the other male as well.

"W-What?" The other male said in shock.

"Meet us in Namjoon and Seokjin hyung's room after I tell the rest" Jungkook said in a rush before running outside.

"Kook, how many more rooms?" I panted.

"2, I guess" He panted as well before entering another room.

"Jaebum! Jimin is missing! Meet us in Namjoon and Seokjin hyung's room" Jungkook said before rushing out again. God, how many friends does this kid have.

Once we arrived right infront of another room, this time, he knocked. I arched a brow at him, confused on why did he knocked on this door.

"He's sick" He simply said right before we entered the room.

"Kookie, who's this?" A male asked as he tried to get into a sitting position, only to be stopped by Jungkook.

"Hyung, Jimin is missing. And this is Yoongi by the way. I already informed the others and I'm pretty sure that they're already waiting for us in Namjoon and Seokjin hyung's room" Jungkook said while the other male was also shocked. He nodded his head as he tried to stand up, only to fall back down on the bed while holding his head in pain.

"If you want, you can just stay here and I'll update you later" Jungkook smiled while I just stood here awkwardly. Why do I need to see them act so sweet.

"No no. I want to join you guys. Jimin is also my friend so I'm willing to help" The other guy smiled as Jungkook nodded.

"I'll just carry you" Jungkook said as he carried the other guy bridal style, their ears tinting pink. We then walked back to the very first room we entered as Jungkook laid the other guy on the bed while the others sat near us, forming a semi-circle.

"What made you think that Jimin is missing?" One of them asked. I leaned closer to Jungkook and whispered to his ear.

"Kook, I don't even know who these guys are" I whispered softly.

"Oh, right" He said before clearing his throat.

"Uhm, before that, can you please introduce yourselves to him? He's also a friend of Jimin" Jungkook said as they all nodded their heads.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, I'm like the leader of the group but not really. Also I'm his boyfriend" The Namjoon guy said as he pointed to the male to his right side.

"I'm Kim Seokjin, just call me Jin, I'm the eldest person in the group. And yeah, he's my boyfriend" The Jin guy said as he pointed to Namjoon.

"I'm your hope, I'm your angel, Jhope! Hi, I'm Jung Hoseok, I'm the most hyper and cheerful person in the group... And umm.. Why do you look so familiar to me?" The Hoseok guy said.

"Wait, did you say that your name is Jung Hoseok?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to remember something as he nodded his head.

"You're the guy who my sister is talking about!" I gasped but soon apologized.

"I'm Im Jaebum, I'm Jimin's cousin" The Jaebum guy said.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, I'm the very first person he met in our school" The Taehyung guy muttered softly but still audible enough to be heard.

"I'm Min Yoongi, I'm Jimin's boyfriend" I introduced myself, noticing their shocked faces afterwards.

"What? You didn't know that Jimin has a boyfriend?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows while they shook their heads. I just sighed and explained to them what happened.

"Hmm.. Can you try calling him again?" Namjoon asked as I nodded. I dialed Jimin's number and waited.

"He's still not picking up" I groaned.

"What if his phone is not fully charged? Let's just see if he'll return later, if not, then we'll focus more about it" Jin said calmly as we all agreed and decided to eat breakfast all together.


A/N: Hey Armys! New UD here! This is already the second update for today and I've decided to stop adding author's notes to the other chapters so that your time won't be wasted anymore (but I might still add some, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore ;-;)

And I'm pretty sure that you've noticed that I only kept on saying the same message to you all. But I've decided to stop saying it because I'm pretty sure you know what I wanna say all the time.

But please don't think that I don't appreciate all of your reads, votes, and comments because I REALLY do appreciate them so much.

Anyways, happy 9.18K reads to us guys! Thank you again for all the reads, votes, and comments! That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!


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