Chapter 13

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"KIM TAEHYUNG!" He yelled out and ran towards him as fast as he could. Taehyung was about to ask him what was the problem, but Jimin punched him on the face so hard, making him fall on the ground.

"JIMIN! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Taehyung yelled out as he tried to stand up, but only to get kicked on the stomach letting him fall back on the ground.

"I saw Jungkook crying! He was lonely, unlike before, you were always with him! So I fucking assumed that you were the reason why he was upset" Jimin yelled out once again, beating Taehyung up, making him choke out blood. His visions started to get blurry and he was getting weaker, but he fought back and used all his might punching Jimin.

"Bitch! I didn't make him cry! Maybe he was just having terrible flashbacks again or whatever!" Taehyung yelled out as he continued beating him up. Jimin then was shocked making him stop all his movements.

"F-Flashbacks?" Jimin stuttered, eyes already filled with tears. Taehyung looked at him confused and nodded.

"I-I'm sorry. Excuse me for a while. I.. I need to talk to Jungkook" Jimin said as he walked away, leaving a confused Taehyung. Once Jimin was gone, Taehyung, who was feeling weak already, fell on the ground and lost his conscience. His friends rushed towards him, panicked and shocked because of what just happened. They carried him and rushed him to the school's clinic.


Did Jungkook have a bad past too? I hope not. He's too precious for this world's cruelty. I went back to the spot where I saw Jungkook, and luckily, he was still there.

"Jungkook-ssi!" I yelled out and ran towards him.

"H-Hyung. T-Taehyung's not the p-problem" He said as tears flowed out of his eyes, causing my heart to break.

"I know, I know" I said and hugged him tightly.

"You.. D-Didn't hurt him.. Right?" He managed to speak out. I remained silent, guilt overtaking me.

"I-I'm sorry. P-Please don't hate me" I apologized as tears streamed down my cheeks, afraid that he might hate me.

"I-It's okay h-hyung. But p-please don't do that again" He pleaded as I nodded my head.

"Now tell me what's the real problem here" I said sternly. He was hesitating at first, but once he saw my pleading eyes, he ended up telling me the truth... Which happened to be... His past. Wait. He said that his uncle hurt him back when he was 13. That means I was 15 that time, my age where my father took my virginity and left me. And that means, Jaebum was 16 that time, his age where my father started to treat him like shit. But.... That could only mean... Jungkook is my cousin.

"J-Jungkook. I think that... My father was your uncle" I stuttered, as my heart broke into pieces. He looked at me confused, then realization hits me that he doesn't know anything about my past yet. I then told him my past, shocking him. He then remained silent for a few minutes and spoke.

"I.. think you're right hyung. So that means.. We're c-cousins" He said as he looked at me sadly.

"Y-Yeah" I cried out and hugged him. Why am I so unlucky? I like him, but he's my cousin. I hate truths. They're always ruining my life. Why can't I live the way I want to?


I woke up, realizing that I'm in the clinic. One nurse saw that I was awake and approached me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Can I leave?" I asked, feeling bored.

"You need some rest, so that'll be a no" She smiled, causing me to roll my eyes.

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