Chapter 42

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"Kim Taehyung, will you be officially mine and marry me?" He asked sincerely as I gasped and nodded eagerly.

"Yes, yes, a million fucking yes!" I exclaimed in joy, giggling at the end before hugging him tightly as more tears streamed down my cheeks.

He chuckled as well before pulling me off him gently and slid the ring on my finger.

"Jeon Taehyung.. Hmm.. I love the sound of that" He smiled as I blushed at the name. I just giggled and kissed him in joy. Suddenly, we heard clapping and some sniffling, causing us to stop. There we saw our friends smiling at us, along with Baekhyun and his husband Chanyeol.

"Our maknae is finally getting married" Jimin smiled.

Both Jin and Baekhyun were crying as Namjoon and Chanyeol comforted their husbands.
(A/N: That's right, they're married 💖)

Hoseok was at the verge of tears but soon broke down dramatically as Yoonji just ignored him.

We both chuckled at all of them and stared in to each other's eyes before sharing another passionate kiss.


"Hell no!" I refused while frowning.

"But Tae, he's the one who requested it" Jin pouted.

"There's no way I would wear that on my wedding day!" I turned around while frowning even more.

"Tae, it's just a dress. Think of it like you're just cross dressing" Jimin chuckled.

"And besides, both me and Jin-hyung wore a dress during our own wedding" Jimin added as I sighed.

"Come on, Tae. Wear this already, we still need to style you up" Jin whined, causing me to groan.

"Fine" I said through gritted teeth, causing them to cheer and giggle. I took the wedding dress from Jin and went in to some sort of dressing room. I struggled to wear it but I managed.

"Tae, are you done wearing it?" Jin asked.

"Yeah" I answered before peaking outside and slowly walked towards them. As soon as they saw me, their jaws dropped, causing me to feel insecure.

(A/N: I don't own this picture, so credits to the owner of it)

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(A/N: I don't own this picture, so credits to the owner of it)

"I look horrible, am I right?" I sighed while looking down.

"Are you kidding me? Tae, you look so gorgeous!" Jimin squealed. Jin quickly pulled me in to a chair and called the stylists to prepare my look. They did my hair first before applying some light make-up on my face.

"Don't forget the veil!" Jimin giggled and gave one of them the veil. They carefully placed the veil on my head and squealed afterwards.

"I told you that he'll look gorgeous" Jinyoung, one of the stylist, giggled.

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