Chapter 20

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(Nobody's POV)

"Finally, they're calm now" Jin said as he smiled and sighed in relief.

"But... Do you think they're okay now?" Namjoon asked worriedly.

"I hope so. Besides, they just kissed" Jin chuckled, catching Jimin's attention.

"What?! How come I didn't know that?" Jimin asked as he pouted. 'So that's why Jin was squealing before we stopped peaking through the door' Jimin thought to himself and sighed.

"You're too short to even see what was happening" Hoseok chuckled, earning a glare from Jimin. He just shook his head and spoke.

"Anyways, can I go out? I just wanna go out for walk... You know... To think about things in my life" Jimin asked, looking at Jin and Namjoon. They looked at each other and just sighed.

"Fine. Just make sure to come back here early, okay?" Jin reminded.

"Yeah yeah, I know" Jimin chuckled as he waved goodbye at them and left.


As soon as I left the dormitory, I walked to the park and sat down on one of the benches there. 'I'm glad that Jungkook is back, but, he's different now. He's not the Jungkook that used to look like a baby who you would want to keep and protect at all cost' I thought to myself and sighed. Then suddenly, Yoongi popped in my mind, causing me to blush. 'It hurts me to see Jungkook happy with someone else, but I should let him go. I'm sure that he and Taehyung are meant to be together' I thought to myself and smiled as a tear suddenly fell on my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and thought about Yoongi. He's great and all, and he's also very nice too. We got to know more about each other that day back at the pastry shop. 'I want to know how it feels like to love and to be loved back. But, can Yoongi like me back if I choose to like him?' I thought to myself and sighed.

"A slight crush wouldn't hurt, right?" I whispered softly and nodded to myself. I stood up and decided to walk back to the dormitory. On my way there, while I was looking on the ground, I then bumped into someone accidentally, causing me to fall on the ground.

"Watch where you're go-" The stranger cut his sentence and let out a soft gasp.

"Jimin?" The stranger asked, causing me to look up at him as a soft gasp escaped my mouth.

"Y-Yoongi?" I asked as he nodded slowly and smiled. I then noticed that he's with someone that looks a lot like him. 'She must be his twin sister that he mentioned when we were talking at the pastry shop 3 months ago' I thought to myself.

"U-Umm, you m-must be Y-Yoonji, right?" I asked as she smiled and nodded. Yoongi cleared his throat and spoke.

"Uhh, Yoonji, this is Jimin. I met him in a pastry shop 3 months ago. And Jimin, this is Yoonji, and as you already know, she's my twin sister" Yoongi said as we both nodded and smiled. I then remembered what he said to me 3 months ago at the pastry shop, causing my heart to ache a little.


"So, I just wanna say that I trust you Jimin. I hope you won't tell anyone about this, and I hope you won't judge me..." Yoongi started as he played with his fingers nervously.

"Of course I won't" I smiled.

"Okay.. Uhh... The truth is... Me and my sister are siblings... With benefits" Yoongi said, causing me to choke. He looked at me nervously as I drank water again and spoke.

"O-Oh.. T-That's something. I-I promise that I w-won't tell anyone about t-that" I stuttered, clearing my throat after that.

"Thank you Jimin" He said as I smiled and just nodded.

/End of Flashback/

"Does he know about our secret?" I heard Yoonji whispered to Yoongi as he nodded in reply.

"A-Anyways, I n-need to g-go. It w-was nice meeting you Y-Yoonji" I smiled as I waved goodbye at them and left. After a few minutes, I finally arrived at the dormitory and went inside my room. 'Wait, how come I didn't notice that Yoongi and Yoonji just came out from some sex store awhile ago?' I asked myself and just sighed, shaking off the thought.


"The times when I used to blush whenever we're together, the times when I used to stutter when I'm talking to you, the day I told you that I've dreamt that you were about to kiss me... And lastly, the reason why I'm hurt so badly inside is because I liked you... Behind all of those, is simply because I liked y-" I cut him off by kissing him. I felt his tears streaming down his cheeks as he kissed back, wrapping his arms around my waist. I then wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. After that, we pulled away to catch our breaths while leaning on each other's forehead.

"I missed you Jungkook" I panted softly, looking directly at his eyes.

"I missed you too hyung" He breathed out, looking directly at my eyes too.

"Let's talk. It's been 3 years since the last time we saw each other" He chuckled as he held my hand and sat down on the bed.

"So, what did you do during those 3 years?" He asked as he faced me.

"W-Well, I d-did cry a l-lot. But atleast the others, but mostly Hoseok, kept on comforting me. Nothing much happened" I chuckled as he nodded and smiled.

"What about you? What did you do during those 3 years. I'm pretty sure that you did a lot of things" I asked.

"Well, I cried a lot too. I always cried myself to sleep. My grandparents were worried because I barely even eat and sleep. I looked pale, I grew weaker, I got sick for awhile. But I wanted to change for the better. I started working out just to have a well-built body. I got more matured, both physically and mentally. And... Uhh... I'll be completely honest... I watch porn and read a lot of stuffs just to widen my knowledge about things like those" He chuckled, causing me to frown.

"Have you fucked someone yet?" I asked awkwardly, blushing slightly.

"No, I haven't yet. But I did have some make-out sessions when I'm out in a club. I made out with different people, sometimes girls, sometimes boys" He chuckled as he saw the blush on my cheeks.

"Do you touch yourself?" I asked him awkwardly again, causing me to blush crimson red.

"I watch porn. Which causes me to be horny and have a boner most of the time, so yeah, I do touch myself" He chuckled as he pinched my cheeks, earning a glare from me and a pout.

"So, we're both top now?" I chuckled.

"So, you top?" He asked, laughing a little.

"Yeah, I always top" I said, pouting and glaring at him.

"What about in your affair with Jimin before? Who tops? Or do you switch?" He asked.

"I topped. He never topped because he said that he liked it that way. But I wanted to know what it feels like to be a bottom. And remember the day we first met? The day you found me naked on this bed wearing a blindfold and was cuffed on the headboard? Well, he said that he will top that day, but unfortunately it was a punishment" I sighed.

"So, that means you're still a virgin?" He asked as I nodded and smiled.

"Can we rest? I'm actually pretty tired right now" I asked as a yawn escaped my lips, causing him to chuckle.

"Yeah, sure" He agreed as we laid down on the bed and cuddled until we fell asleep in each other's embrace, even though it was still early.


A/N: Hey Armys! New UD here! I'm so sorry for not updating early >.< And I'm sorry for this boring chapter ;-; Anyways, happy 6.6K reads to us guys! Thank you again for all the reads, votes, and comments! That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!


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